Rose Di Angelo

  • Nico and Reyna

    When two people who put their guards up for so long finally put their guards down when they were alone, what happens? Does love spark in their hearts?

  • I'll Never Stay

    A story for when the person doesn't stay. One Shot.

  • In The End

    Adam is on his way to a show at P3 club (Which is Piper's club from Charmed) when something life threatening happens. If only... (DISCONTINUED)

  • Morgan's Spiral

    About the trickiest Jumping Puzzle that I have MASTERED!

  • A Goodnight Story

    I don't know. I wrote this in the middle of the night. Well, Thalia cannot sleep, and Luke tells her an intriguing bedtime story. Set when they first meet Annabeth while they're running away.

  • Nico's last breath

    Very, VERY short, but it was a thought, at least.

  • A Rose becomes a Destiny

    Now, I believe that most summaries give away too much. Who wants spoilers? NOBODY. So I just wanted to share with you the important piece of this story. Destiny is Rose, teenage form. If I told you anymore, I would be giving spoilers. Enjoy!

  • The Chaos School

    I had this idea and I just thought I'd make a few tweaks and write in down in here. The Chaos School was feared above all. So what happens when it goes away, and then comes back? Wizard101 is rated 10 and up

  • The Server is Down

    The gods are relaxing on break, when suddenly, the server goes down. The gods don't see anything but black, and all they hear is the sounds of minions screaming. The players of this game aren't that happy, either. (Though it's rated K, the video game is rated T)