
  • Treason

    Written for a kink meme prompt: "Kili can see the way the gold sickness is effecting Thorin, he loves his uncle but the illness is twisting him into something that Kili doesn't recognise. So before the BOFA, he pulls Fili aside, kneels down, puts his bow to Fili's feet and swears his allegiance. Fili is stunned because their uncle is king and this is treason."

  • A secret son

    Aramis' POV when seing his son for the first time. Possible spoilers for season 2, episode 1.

  • Catching up

    The three were a complete entity, but when the fourth arrived, he somehow fit right in.

  • The sacrificial lion

    How Fíli, the golden Durin prince, met his end. (Beware of spoilers if you haven't seen BOTFA!)

  • Freedom in death

    "I am Barbarian, I am a slave / I have been traded and sold / I've been imprisoned and told to behave / I've won them silver and gold" (Just a little something in Atticus' POV.)