

  • Downward Spiral

    Connie's on a downward spiral that leads her to a very, very dark place. *Contains self harm* One-shot! Just an idea I got from the winter trailer and the alcohol. It's a bit like the other one-shot I wrote, "Breaking point", so if you liked this one then I recommend you check that one out too :)

  • The Ice Queen? Seriously?

    When gorgeous new doctor David Cookson starts in the ED, will he spark love in the "Ice Queen"'s heart? And how will they both react? Just a little idea I had, would love to see Connie in a canon relationship on the show. Please RRR if you can!

  • Too overcome with emotion

    My take on what was going through Connie's mind when she broke down in the staffroom during last Saturdays episode (Born Lucky). It was my favourite part of the episode (in the nicest way possible). Pleas RRR if you can! :D

  • Alls Fair In Love And War

    One-shot- Ethans tired of Lily's cold shoulder, so he does something about it...

  • Someone to lean on

    Little idea based on Connie and Zoe's argument in one of the episodes from earlier this year- her little "Darwin" comment really made me laugh xD This will stay a one shot as I'm not keen on the pairing, but here's some slight Connie/Cal for you shippers out there :)

  • The ED go down under!

    The staff in Holby's ED have had it tough these last few months, so Zoe decides to give them a little pick me up- a holiday to Australia! How will they get on, embarking on a 10 day holiday by the sea as a group? Not to plan, I'll tell you that! Some find love, some find friendships, and some just end up making a fool of themselves! (I'm rubbish at summaries, I do apologise!)

  • The Problematic Vacation Equation

    Our beloved characters take a trip to England in hope of better working relationships and a good time! What will happen when Leonard, Raj, Sheldon, Howard, Bernardette, Amy, Emily and Penny take to the manic streets of London on a "Colleagues Bonding Trip"? Well, read and find out! First proper multi-chapter Big Bang fic, hope you enjoy it!

  • It was like seeing a ghost

    When Connie Beauchamp chose to treat a patient with a back injury, she wasn't expecting to meet 15 year old Louisa Perkins- an abused child with more similarities to Connie than she could have ever imagined. *TW- talk of abuse. NOT DETAILED BUT MENTIONED.*. First Casualty fic, hope you enjoy :D

  • Goodbye darling, I love you

    What would have happened if it was Grace that was killed by Olive, rather than Laura? How would Connie have coped having to treat the old woman, all the while trying to keep her colleagues from knowing the truth?

  • Twice the affairs

    When Connie's problems get too much for her, she confides in the very person she least expected to. But one thing leads to another, and with that come more problems for the clinical lead to face. But the question is, will she face them alone once more?...

  • Is this real life? Or is this just fantasy?

    When Connie joins Tumblr out of curiosity, she discovers (with help from fangirl Chrissie) that what she once thought was her life, is actually just one big fantasy...

  • Starting to fall

    Poem fic, I guess I just have a thing for upset Connie... Sorry, couldn't think of a summary for this xD

  • It's raining again

    It's raining again, and Connie needs an umbrella to save her from drowning. But can she pluck up the courage to ask her old mentor for help? Or will she continue to struggle on, trying to keep her head above the surface? One shot :D

  • 7 Stages of Grief

    Sort of a re-write of last night's episode based around Connie :D Will stay a one-shot x

  • Long days, late nights

    Connie throws herself into her work, but can someone help her realise it's doing more harm than good?

  • The then and now

    Trial ahead of her, funding cuts, staffing problems and to top it all off? Grace has been sent to America. Sometimes things just get too much. (My take on the scene where Connie was watching the old clip of Grace with the shattered wine glass, will stay a one-shot).

  • For you, with love

    After Audrey insisted on taking Grace back to her father in America, Connie is left alone and desperately missing her daughter...

  • Realisations

    Alternate ending to the scene when Connie was in her office with Hayley Blake, Charlie and Rita in last nights episode (10.1.15) :D One-shot.

  • Pizza, Puke and Personal Problems

    Sometimes, you just need something to help cheer yourself up... Will stay a one shot :)

  • The (private) Diary of Connie Beauchamp

    "...writing down your thoughts and feelings is meant to help relieve stress and worry. If this works, I'll be a best-selling authoress in no time." When her position starts to chip away at Connie's tough exterior, she turns to writing a diary to help her get through daily life as the clinical lead of Holby's Emergency Department.