Slave at the Gates

  • Sanji's Right Eye

    Why exactly does Sanji hide his eye?

  • The Book of the Dead

    Based upon the new Evil Dead film. Naruto, wanting to lay cold turkey to rid himself of his drug habit, calls on Gaara, Kankuro, Lee, Sakura, Kakashi, and Shikamaru to support him. When they find something terrifying in the cellar, things go from bad to worse. With the words "You are all going to die tonight!" in mind, they know this could be difficult. Can they all survive?

  • Welcome to the Konoha Mental Institution

    After years of schizophrenic episodes, violent outbursts, and no sleep, Kankuro and his older sister Temari decide to enroll their younger brother Gaara in the KMI, a prestigious school/hospital for children with mental issues. But after some digging, Kankuro and Temari find out that this place may not be as wonderful as it seems.