
  • Flame will always be remembered

    Chain Continued from GalaxyPegasus14. Please read and review.

  • MFB Infiltrates New Horizons!

    The title says it all! What would happen if the characters from MFB start teaching at New Horizons? Join Falco276 in her IT training as she faces these weird instructors with no sense of proper teaching. Members from Starbreakers and HD Academy included. Please READ AND REVIEW! :D REAL PEOPLE mentioned. BEWARE!

  • Those Lacking Spines Blader Style

    Immune to a suspicious parasite by merit of their manly looks, Team Gan Gan Galaxy set out on a journey to save the rest of the bladers from the biggest nightmare of all... Semes. Can our four heroes of MFB bring back the semes to their original Blader selves and stop Grand Master Fangirl's plans from creating Fandom Fight Beyblade before it's too late? PLEASE READ AND REVIEW!

  • Beyblade Warriors: Soldiers of Ohu

    Weed and his gang mistakingly find the lake territory owned by the warrior cats as Ohu the paradise of dogs. But when they cross paths with the cats, how can turning it from a feud of cats and dogs turn into a team up against P-4? ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED 2010. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW!

  • The Dragons of Wayward Crescent: Galen

    Something dramatic happened to a guard dragon named Gruffen. But Liz Pennykettle makes another one named Galen. With Galen around, he travels scene to scene in Gruffen's time, trying to know what took his brother's life. Can Galen solve the mystery behind this monster, or can he be stuck in his time and shed his tear just like Gruffen? ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED 2010.

  • Things that most Beyblade Metal Saga fans don't know about

    You may never know what kind of secrets the Bladers hold. Please Read and Review! XD Inspired by Alien82523 from Wattpad.

  • Back to the Basics Blader Style

    My first Mature MFB fanfic. Follow the MFB gang through thier normal daily lives as they head out to high school and Disney World and have 'fun'. Takes place in Virginia Beach and Florida AU. OFFICIALLY COMPLETE. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW. Pairings: GingXKyo, ReiXJin, ChaoxXiang, FaustXDamian, ZeoXToby. Storyline inspired by HawkearOfWindclan's Back to the Basics.

  • Scamming over the seasons! (one shot fic)

    While discovering Craig's list, Gingka and Madoka agree to teach German to a 12 year old girl while her dad/mom is on a business trip to Canada. But something fishy can occur over this situation. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! For Thewizardofoddness's contest. :)

  • Peppermint Winter

    Two Characters from two fandoms experience Switzerland by attending the biggest EDM party off the block and take a trip 3 hours north to Stuttgart for the Winter Conference. (MFB and Kingdom Hearts crossover fic) Please READ and REVIEW! :D

  • Firebirds on Ice

    Join the KH cast as they attend a special event/show and have fun in a arcade place during a senior farewell party. Story's inspired by Zipper Nova's High School Times. Setting takes place at Twilight Town (Ocean Blvd.) based on south east Florida. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! :D

  • Double Un-Happiness

    How can borrowing your friend's external drive cause revenge and chaos against each other? Da Xiang and Wesley are about to face it and find out. Rated T for few bad words and violence. Please READ and REVIEW!

  • Switched MFB Personalities!

    So, this is not like Malluchan's Smiling Through A Monday. (Archive warned me about it.) I tried making my own crazy MFB humor one shots! Takes place in my hometown, Gainesville, FL! PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! XD

  • Blader's Workout (one shot MFB fic)

    Gingka and his friends agree to attend a fitness presentation at YMCA hosted by my OC, Isabella Gary. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! XD Third One-shot so far. Based on my assignment for homeschooling. :P

  • Blood and Wolves

    3 years later, on the ruins of Kaldaka Island, four friends from each of the four clans try to unite and take out the most feral enemies ever known as the Invokers. With the help from the mysterious ghostly figure of Roxas, can Demyx, Zexion, Raksha, and Axel protect the island from devious peril threats caused by the Invokers? PLEASE READ AND REVIEW!

  • Trolling Nile! XD (One shot)

    This is where I troll Nile into begging him over Beybook to bring his car over to Australia because they never and refuse to make an apperance there. Can Nile really ignore her or will he end up listening to Horus who's taking her side? I know, sucky summary. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! :D