

  • Goodbye

    "So, this is it, huh?"

  • Hearts of Twilight

    Xehannort's gone and Sora's a free Keyblade Master. Maybe a nice vacation touring the worlds is just what he needs. The problem is this world needs a little saving...

  • Only a Moment

    "This was it! This was it he'd finally be able to personally pay back Xehanort for those years of torture and for almost killing him for the sake of that stupid X-Blade! Now while he was distracted by Terra and unable to fight bac- Ventus swung, but his blade missed." In honor of that stupid secret ending being in H-stinkin-D now goodbye I'm so dead inside

  • Memories On My Back

    "I want to remember everything." Ventus decides to ask Riku for a favor after everything's settled down after saving the entire universe. Oneshot, SoKai, but it's taking a back seat.

  • Later

    "Link I... I'll see you later."

  • Pretty Little Shooting Stars

    "You know, Mabel really didn't want her Sock Opera to get ruined like this." Alternate ending to Sock Opera based off of modmad of tumblr's stupid comic that broke my heart the other day

  • Reluctance

    "She'd need to be thrown into the fray. The way HE learned it. His mouth tightened into a thin line. He'd already sworn time and time again Kairi would never just be shoved into combat. He would never forgive himself if that happened. She had the opportunity to learn like she was supposed to that was already the path they agreed on." Bafred out feels have a good time implied SoKai

  • Realization

    MAJOR ENDING SPOILERS FOR BROKEN AGE- They were alone. Utterly alone in their strange worlds. Drabble-y oneshot and gosh dang it I want act 2

  • Vanishing Point

    "He was merely a vanishing point."

  • Deus

    A God/Mythology type AU where everyone's a deity and establishing their own mythos and such.

  • Parables of Hylia

    I figured Her Grace would need some myth-like stories akin to the epics of old, so have some drabbley poetry

  • Where to Next?

    "The Mysterious Tower was as peaceful as ever. Well, on the outside." Lotsa arguing during some point in KH3 and really just putzing around with writing

  • The Little Merman

    Sora's living life "Unda da sea" with his brother, Roxas, but with a relatively recent death of their parents, their relationship has gone rockier. Sora's also become infatuated with the humans of the Destiny Islands, a certain red-haired girl in particular... Mermaid AU

  • Aether

    "Some days he couldn't remember what it was like." Ventus Sora thing again I should stop

  • We All Become

    Just a quickie drabble set before the events that transpired; just fyi Man-in-Transistor is named Cyan in this one.

  • A Piece of Peace

    "Peace had returned to the worlds at last." KH3 ending anyone? Beach parties and feels abound

  • Roots

    "Sora stared at Xehanort with a renewed hatred in his eyes, but they were also wide with a sense of betrayal."

  • Tear Down the Sky

    Xehanort seems to be lying low for now, and Yen Sid is following the trend. The Keyblade War on the horizon is now at a stalemate. Except now Sora's got this letter and he realizes an action he needs to take if he wants to keep his friends safe. M for intense violence later on

  • Abrasion

    "The hero was not raised in fields of gold. He was raised in sands of gold. The sky was not serene blue. It was harsh and striking. Winds were not kind. They were harsh and carried death. This is the beginnings of the hero. This is the beginning of Link of the Gerudo." just dabbling in origin stories.

  • Picking Up the Shattered Pieces

    The worlds never knew the threat of Xehanort. All of that was put to a stop by two brave warriors the worlds didn't know knew either; Terra and Aqua. But a price was paid; while they saved countless lives from tragedy, a tragedy of their own happened in Ventus losing his heart. Yet other fates lie in store... AU where Terra and Aqua take care of Xehanort at the Keyblade Graveyard.