
  • Hell's Kitchen - South Park Edition

    Randy is convinced he's a world class chef and to prove it, he's going to enter the TV show 'Hell's Kitchen' in an attempt to win. Of course, he's dragged along his son Stan and his friends to compete alongside him... Rated T for lots of swearing!

  • Three's Alliance

    At the end of the fourth year, a shock announcement entails Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang be merged together for three years and now all the students must live together and learn on the same grounds as one another. Unknowing to them, Dumbledore's preparing them all for a war that's getting closer by every passing second. Harry/Fleur Draco/Hermione

  • Memory Loss

    Dumbledore discovers there's a lot more uses for memory charms, Harry begins to realise that he's the puppet and Hermione's the one pulling the strings. Dark!Harry eventually.

  • Memory Loss

    Dumbledore discovers there's a lot more uses for Memory Charms and Harry finally finds out who's really pulling the strings... Dark!Harry

  • Memory Loss

    Dumbledore discovers a lot more uses for memory charms, including one that could turn the tides of battle towards his favour. Features Dark!Harry and Manipulative Dumbledore. Rated M for mature content explained inside.