Stunned Monkey

  • Through the Window

    Jori Movie Story #1 After a tragic accident Tori is house bound and fills her time looking out her window. One day she sees her neighbor do something that looks suspicious. No one will listen to Tori. Will she finally get someone to believe her? Will it be too late? This is a hommage to Alfred Hitchcock and his movie Rear Window.

  • She's a Winner

    Jori Saga pt.2 Tori has a new hobby, she enters draws and contests. It is a part of her therapy, but everyone likes to bug her about it. They aren't laughing now as Tori has something they all want. This adventure will take them far from HA and they may never want to come home.

  • Cold

    7DOVP and Jori Saga pt. 5 - Jade has a job that is going to take her away from L.A. before Christmas. She asks Tori to join her on the trip. Tori is feeling a little down about the situation they are in, but Jade knows just what to do to make her happy, forever.

  • Sins

    7DOVP Day 6 The Sins of the Mother, Tori shares a secret with Jade that she discovered while going through some boxes at her parents house.

  • Drinking About You

    7DOVP Day 5 Tori is away and Jade will play. Jade has a drink or ten and decides it would be a good time to text Tori. Something goes wrong with the text. Friends don't let friends text drunk.

  • Compromise

    7DOVP Day 3 Thanksgiving is coming and the girls make plans too bad they are at the same time and for different places.

  • Treehouse

    7DOVP Day 2 A hot summer day and Cat and Tori want to pay Andre and Beck back for a joke they pulled. Do they get revenge?

  • A Few Hours

    7DOVP Day 1 Jade and Tori have a romantic evening together. There is only one problem someone should have been watching the clock. Tori is not going to make her curfew. M

  • Hocus Pocus

    Jori History One Shot #2 Victoria and Jade immigrated with their families to the Colonies. They were looking for a new life free from religious persecution. They would see their lives shattered by historical events and a crazy fear of witches. The date was June 15, 1648 in Windsor CT. This is a one shot.

  • Orphan Man in Top Hat Drinking Coffee

    Jori One Shot #2 A strange old man watches the group of kids while he drinks his coffee. He is there all the time and he makes note of who they are and what they are all about. A different perspective that I chose to make into a one shot. It is not as edgy as my other stuff, but it makes you feel all warm and fluffy inside. Jori and gang,

  • She Walked With Dragons

    Jori Author Fav # 3 Tori and Jade build an unlikely friendship over years of growing up. Although they do not share the same status in society it doesn't matter to them. They see past the differences and base their friendship on things they share. A battle is coming to their land and one would become a victim and one the savior. AU. Mythical land, castle, dragons, swords, princess,

  • Redeemed

    Jori Author Fav # 4 Tori Vega and Jade West are a team. They walk the worst streets looking for the worst people. When they find them they REDEEM them. Yes I borrowed a concept from a movie, but it is minor and hey even Shakespeare copied ideas, if he even wrote his own stuff. This story is violent, adult language and situations. AU,

  • The Tale of Two Dates

    Jori One Shot #1 Tori feels that their relationship is starting to get stale or at least predictable. She challenges Jade to a contest. Who can plan the best date. Both girls are going to do something the other would not expect ever. Is the change worth it? One Shot

  • Wrestling with Your Emotions

    Jade is raising her daughter on her own. When an option to make more money wrestling comes up she takes a chance. She will be grappling with more than the wrestlers as she falls head over heels for Tori Vega. AU, Jori, Warning: Violence and Language and Beck hating.

  • Why Does This Keep Happening To Us?

    Jori- Jade and Tori are back in L.A. after their Christmas holiday in Canada. They have a secret they are keeping. A wedding will be planned for family. Someone goes missing. Why does this keep happening to them? Tori, Jade, Andre, Trina, Cat, Robbie and Tori's parents.

  • It's a Wonderful Jori

    Tori is starting to think that her life is pointless. She is thinking about ending it all when a Christmas angel named Clarence comes to show her that her life is worth living. Borrowed story from It's a Wonderful life. Beck hating, thoughts of suicide warning, corny plot warning, one shot, just seasonal fluff

  • The Gossamer Touch

    Jade is having nightmares. They are affecting her entire life. She can't find answers to the mysteries that are destroying her life. When she meets a strange new girl she starts to find answers and more questions. Who are these people trying to kill them? How will she defend this girl? Rated M for graphic violence. There I apologise for nothing!

  • Fireflies

    7DOVP Day 4 Jade made Tori a promise but she wasn't really paying attention. She finds herself being forced to give up a Saturday morning to help Tori.

  • The Dark Purple of Dawn

    Jori Author Fav # 4 Tori is a bit of a loner, but she hides a secret from the world. She has been called to be one of the protectors of Gotham. Batgirl has always worked alone until now. Is there anyway they can work together or will they kill each other. One way or another Gotham will never be the same. Jori, New 52, DC comics, Batgirl, Huntress, Catwoman, Two Face

  • Aloha

    Jori History One Shot #2 Victoria and Jade move to Hawaii to have some adventures. Victoria is a navy nurse who works at a hospital. Jade meets a dashing young navy officer. They would see their dreams shattered by historical events. The date was Dec. 7th 1941. Warning: This story is about war and all that goes with it. I rated it M because I wasn't sure with the injuries.