
  • State of Emergency!

    John Gage and Roy DeSoto are two average paramedics just trying to lead normal lives, but that particular task becomes exceedingly hard when A.L.F, a.k.a, Gordon Shumway decides to drop in. Will his antics and witty humor prove to be too much for the paramedics? ***Updated***

  • Bigfoot Hunting

    Inspired by an NFL Superbowl commercial from last year. Just read it to find out what I'm talking about. Silliness warning.

  • The Ballad of Alpha

    Here's a short poem about the Alphans. I'm not big on poetry, so if I don't follow the rules of poetry, I apologize. I just thought this was a nice rhyme.

  • Sherlock Holmes for a Day

    Someone's been killed and John Gage gets to play detective for an hour and a half.