Slightly Sinister Sinestra

  • His Anger

    HBP. Dumbledore thinks about anger and the value of a life facing Severus on the Astronomy tower. Neither he nor Severus are nice in this one. Draw your own conclusions.

  • Knight in a Shining Apron

    AU. No HBP, no end of Ootp. Molly fixes Severus up after an Order meeting, and he suddenly finds himself with one hell of a knight in shining armour.

  • Understand Me

    Snarry oneshot. Set immediately after the last battle. HBP compliant. Want to know why Sev would kiss Harry onstage in front of half the wizarding population of Britain? Because they worked bloody hard to be allowed to! Enjoy.

  • Point of Contact

    HPRonin crossover. After the 1st fall of the Dark Lord, Moody goes ahunting runaway Death Eaters in Europe, and gets some aid of the Muggle persuasion.

  • Trying to Understand

    Sequel to 'Things to Prove'. Severus simply can't believe that someone like Sirius could love something like him. Remus and Sirius chase after him to prove that wonders never cease, and Sirius, while not gayOf course not, really does love him.

  • Beauty

    What does beauty mean, Thanos? young Severus asked, bright curiousity in his gaze. The old centaur cocked his head to one side, considering.' 7yr old Severus needs an answer to a very important question.

  • Things to Prove

    SSSB Sirius, on a quest to prove to Remus that he isn't gay, finds Severus in trouble and does the Gryffindor thing. Mrated. With reason. Try it and see?

  • If You Offered

    Probably AU. Snape and Harry have a moment of understanding. Was a oneshot. Not anymore. Read and see.

  • Poison & Purify

    The final battle. Severus has a plan. HBP compliant, Severus is good, and the happiest ending I could think off!

  • Unchained Love

    Post HBP, true stories of Severus Snape, Poppy Pomfrey and Alastor Moody. Warning: contains Dumbledore bashing in later chapters.

  • Stark

    Strange oneshot. A young Slytherin gets his wand. Ollivander muses. Strange. Have a looksee.

  • Not Three But Four

    Three of the Founders look down on present day events, and ponder their respective champions. Is the 4th really so evil. Who is the real heir of Slytherin. Read and see.

  • Houses of Cards

    Started out your typical Albusthrowsacostumeball, became this. Involves sensuous dancing, genderswapping, and some seriously embarrassed professors. Enjoy.

  • Yesterday's Child

    Simple little story. Hagrid decides noone should be alone for Christmas. No HBP.

  • My Pawn

    Dumbledore bashing, plain and simple. His thoughts on Snape after dying. Just try it, and prepare to be confused.

  • Hell

    Dumbledore's in hell for what he did to Snape. He deserves it. If you're fond of Albus, avoid this.

  • Save him Save me

    Cradling a wounded child, Molly encounters Bellatrix on the battlefield, and discovers a horror noone knew.

  • To be an Auror

    Just a short oneshot. What I think Moody might say to new Auror trainees. Enjoy.

  • Shadow Dragon

    After final battle. Poppy, with Severus. You have to read it. If I tell you anything it will spoil the fun. Poem.

  • Thank You

    Companion piece to Unchained Love. SeverusPoppy. Dark.