
  • Aftermath

    WARNING BLOOD OF OLYMPUS SPOILERS. READ NO FURTHER IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE SPOILED. Percy and Annabeth have come out of Tartarus to join the rest of the Argo II in their mission to defeat Gaea. But they can't get Tartarus out of their heads. This is Percy and Annabeth in BoO, in which they struggle with the crippling memories of Tartarus and try to learn how to function again.

  • Witnesses

    Percy and Annabeth probably thought they were being subtle, but everyone knew about them even before they did. These are their "moments" from the perspectives of the people who just happened to be watching. Viewpoints include Beckendorf, Silena, Malcolm, Michael, Rachel, and more.

  • Without Words

    Grace Skinner's intuitive powers are almost beyond belief. All the same, Connor and Risa deserve a perspective of their own for their scene in UnSouled. This oneshot depicts their reunion in UnSouled - close to what Grace imagined, but all their own.

  • As Good As Brothers

    Sokka's never sure whether to be irritated, awed, or protective when he's around Aang. But one thing he does know is that he wouldn't trade a second of it. 61 drabbles from Sokka's perspective (one per episode), showing his relationship to Aang.

  • There For You

    What if James found Lily after she told Severus they weren't friends anymore? Oneshot.

  • Reunion

    What happens when Harry sees the Dursleys again, able to legally perform magic and just after his defeat of Voldemort? A two-shot from Dudley's point of view.

  • Ruminations on Luna

    Just a few thoughts on my favorite character. "Please join me now in raising your glass to the less-loved, less-noticed, less-honored, but no less important, Luna Lovegood."

  • From Different Eyes

    Briefly mentioned moments in the Harry Potter books, from different points of view! My take on how said characters were thinking and feeling at given points in the stories. Viewpoints include Ron, Hermione, Neville, Cho, and more!

  • Taking Risks

    Sort of a sequel to Reunion. Dudley is preparing to meet Harry for the first time since directly after the war, but he's nervous about what might happen. He receives some advice from an unexpected source! Dudley and Luna, but NOT romance!

  • Kidnapped!

    In Deathly Hallows, Luna is taken by the Death Eaters to Malfoy Manor and locked in the cellar with Ollivander. Unfortunately, we get very few details about this in the book. This is Luna's story, from being "dragged off the train" in December, to being rescued and brought to Shell Cottage by Dobby. Epilogue by Ginny. Rated T for torture.

  • Learning to Draw the Line

    The day before he starts Hogwarts, James Sirius and his father have a talk about the Marauders of old, and how wrong bullying is.

  • A Friendship for the Long Haul

    The friendship of Harry, Ron, and Hermione - otherwise known as the Golden Trio - has survived danger, tears, jealousy, and even betrayal. It can survive anything. 21 drabbles - one per person, per book - on the strength of their friendship. I don't own anything.

  • Contrary (and Cliched) Couple

    This will be a series of Rose/Scorpius oneshots, the Couple-That-Shouldn't-Be-And-Yet-Somehow-Is. Because the Weasleys are always rulebreakers.

  • Veela

    Fleur Delacour is beautiful. But that's not all she is.

  • Favorite Cousin

    The first thing they told Andromeda Tonks was that her daughter was in the hospital. The second thing they told her was that her cousin Sirius was dead.

  • Fire and Air

    Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley have one of the most beautiful - and underappreciated - friendships in the Harry Potter series. This series of oneshots seeks to bring more love and attention to their relationship - and give both of them their due as characters.

  • Tales of the Common Rooms

    Many of Harry's interactions at Hogwarts take place in the Gryffindor common room. We have seen much of the room and know what it - and Gryffindor House - is like. But what about the others? The ambitious Slytherins? The loyal Hufflepuffs? The ingenious Ravenclaws? This three-chapter story explores the other three common rooms, and the lifestyles of those who live in them.

  • Recovering

    After the war against Voldemort, so much has been left in shambles. Hogwarts is just a microcosm for all that has been destroyed. However, amidst all the ruin, love is one thing that will always remain intact. A series of oneshots about Neville, Luna, and their journey to, together, build themselves back up. (For my headcanon, see Kidnapped, Shell Cottage, and From Different Eyes)

  • Decision

    "If you could harness the energy of my parents' spite, you could power a small city for several years." The Upchurch family, and how they made the decision to have Hayden unwound.

  • Tryst

    Risa has never truly loved anyone before. But at this harvest camp, with Connor Lassiter, she's willing to let her guard down, and make the end of her life as she knows it the best that it can possibly be. Risa's perspective of the bathroom scene in Unwind. Rated T for kissing and thoughts on unwinding and death.