Ponytail Goddess

  • A Hairy Situation

    Molly hates how the twins don't clean up after themselves in the bathroom and will be even more annoyed with them after she finds out what they've done now... Drabble.

  • Fred's Last Gift

    George wants to propose to Verity, but everything keeps going wrong! Twoshot continuation of I'm Here.

  • George Weasley and the Black Magic Library

    The Malfoy's recruit George Weasley to help Lucius with a scheme that might endanger the magical world once again. George agrees to help because the Malfoy's have a family secret that he needs access to...a secret that will bring the dead back to life.

  • Wintersong

    A/U Oneshot. Lily finds herself regretting that she didn't forgive Severus for calling her a mudblood and seeks him out to try and make things right on Christmas.

  • Wish Upon a Star

    Before dying a very gruesome death, Severus Snape wishes on a star for a life that he thought he would only dream of and wakes up in a different world. However, is it a miracle or is it something else entirely?

  • Bachelors

    An assortment of oneshot drabbles about everyone's favorite twins living as bachelors for the first time! Explore the humorous, and somewhat disgusting life of the twins during HBP as they learn to live on their own.

  • Snape in Cape

    Drabble written for the Dr. Seuss Challenge at P&S, issued by Graciella Bellanotte-Diadoro. Harry gets caught writing some interesting poetry during Potion's class...

  • Half Life

    During an emergency, Severus is forced to make a choice with horrific consequences. Can he justify his actions? Entrant in the 2009 Prompt Fest at Potions and Snitches.

  • Stars and Midnight Blue

    AU. Severus relives several Christmases after ingesting a very special piece of candy...

  • The Higher Ground

    After learning that Harry is really Severus' biological son, James tries his best to cope with Lily's betrayal and help Harry deal with the fact that Snape now has partial custody of him.

  • The Tooth Fairy

    A/U. Written for Bil's 100 Word Drabble Challenge at Potions and Snitches. Severus receives a message from an irate fairy...

  • Antarctic Love Story

    They are the first wizard and witch to ever set foot on the world’s coldest and most dangerous continent. One came to do scientific research to try to improve medicinal potions. The other came for something much more personal…

  • Her Secret Obsession

    AU Sevitus. What if Lily never died, but never revealed herself to Harry either? Slowly piece together the mystery of Severus' half-hearted relationship, Harry's parentage, Lily's job, and the truth about James in this time travel fic.

  • Suffering

    AU story told from Albus Severus' point of view. Over forty years after the Final Battle, Harry Potter's life isn't nearly as charming as everyone thought it would be. Something went wrong, gravely wrong... Will he ever be able to let it go?

  • Just a Boy

    Sevitus drabble. Severus gets a bit too eager to teach his young son about Potions...

  • Lily's Charm: The Man Who Lived

    Oneshot alternative ending to Chapter 34 of ObsidianEmbrace's Lily's Charm: The Gift. Summary: History has a certain way of repeating itself...

  • A Conversation with Batman

    Oneshot. Harry gets rescued from the Dursley's by his favorite superhero!

  • The Black Parade

    Drabble: A drunken Tobias Snape takes Severus to a local parade and gives him some less-than-helpful fatherly advice.

  • Mine

    Severus Snape's jealousy of the Potter's reaches a new height and he exacts revenge upon them in this angst-filled drabble.

  • Lily's Charm: Watta!

    Severus and James give Harry a bath...and get a little more than they bargained for.