
  • Earthen steel

    After Heaven's Failure the now reborn Shirou finds herself in a new world entirely. She will now have to find a way to make an liveing in the world of Halkeginia and still be happy with her new place as a noble for nothing else than being able to use magic. Troubling times are ahead of the world, but will Shirou be in a position to help now she gave up her dream of being a hero?

  • Saki the necromancer

    When her friend died Saki did go far to save her, even if it meant to defy death. However now her power is slowly getting out of control, and the friend would attempt to save her by getting the only one she knows that may be able to help to help. Even if it meant having to knock the champion off her throne.

  • Gun Gale Online: Project Tower

    Will the players trapped inside this death game reach the top and cure the sickened world of it's plague and at the same time free themselves from their slow deaths in the real world? Or will they die trying? Kirito will have to pick up his gun and blade to crave a way to the top, and he may just succeed with the help of his unit.

  • Immortal child

    the girl-who-leved was out late at night after running away from her caretakers, and was accidentally turned into a vampire. How will the young Potter deal with being a hated vampire, while keeping herself alive from other vampires, and out of sight of the magical Britain that thinks she died.

  • Harry's unexpected new life

    just when Harry thought it was all over, he gets to start over in another dimension as a baby and not the boy-who-lived, with his nice family this time, with some twists. darker world. Another kind of Harry Potter story.

  • harry's unique path

    Harry is the younger brother of the GWL, unknown by the magic world, he is not interested in fame and with a unusual ambition that could change the world. what He want is, to build a spaceship and travel it beyond the stars.