Sole Soul Seeking Stars

  • Family

    Extremely short one-shot dedicated to Trip's last thoughts. Note that I wrote this in about 5 minutes of random ramblings, so the quality isn't all that great. Plus, I haven't edited it yet, so it you spot a mistake, please point it out. Okay, I'm done. Yup. Just gonna go cry in a corner. Bye.

  • Nobody Knows The Trouble That I've Seen

    Another take on the scene where Duke tells Mara about his mother. This entire story, by the way, is based on my own experiences. That being said, don't read it unless you're prepared for parental abuse. And trust me when I say this is the tame version.

  • Art & Artists

    A Clintasha AU. Another take on their relationship, taken from the idea of a multi-chapter story that I have yet to start and finish. Read and review. More details inside.