
  • Tempted

    Belle French, in her early forties, meets twenty-five-year-old Tristan Gold, the lead singer with up-and-coming rock band Desperate Souls. Belle is instantly attracted to the man and his music, but, after a bad marriage, she's reluctant to risk her heart again. Gold, however, is attracted to her too. Older woman-younger man RumBelle AU. Non-magic.

  • The Validity of Fear

    Short one shot based on Belle's reaction to Hook in "White Out". Rumple and his wife have a heart-to-heart after David and Hook leave the shop and Belle reveals her discomfort at being around the former pirate captain. RumBelle. Spoilers for "White Out". Ant-Hook.

  • The Gift of Memory

    Henry is having trouble adjusting with two sets of memories in his head after his father's death. He goes to Rumplestiltskin's shop for some magical help and has a little heart-to-heart with his grandfather. Potential spoilers.

  • Unconditional

    Rumple and Belle share their wedding night. Romantic and steamy RumBelle one shot. Potential spoilers for the premiere of season 4.

  • Heartbeat

    Belle learns what Rumple has been up to and returns something that should never have been taken. One shot. Angsty.

  • Inspired by Beauty

    RumBelle non-magic AU in which Mr Gold is secretly an artist who's inspired by the beautiful librarian, Belle French. Belle accidentally discovers his passion and is even more intrigued by and attracted to the enigma that is Storybrooke's most feared citizen.

  • Objectionable

    Belle has been reading Fifty Shades of Grey and is appalled by the story. She tells Rumplestiltskin and he looks at it to see what about it bothers her so much, and he is not at all impressed with a certain Mr Grey. RumBelle fic, set early season two. Very critical of Fifty Shades of Grey and its male protagonist.

  • How Long Will I Love You?

    After their reunion, Rumplestiltskin asks his wife two questions, the answers to which tell Belle something important about his love for her. Written in honour of the third anniversary of "Skin Deep" and Fluffapalooza 2015 on Tumblr. RumBelle reunion fic. Very fluffy: not a drop of angst in sight.

  • Penance

    After returning to Storybrooke, Rumplestiltskin doesn't heal his ankle again. He keeps the limp as a reminder of how he failed to be the man he wanted to be for his son and for Belle: he keeps it as penance. Based on what I would like to see in 4b regarding Rumple's mindset. Very short.

  • Stipulations

    As they drive to Storybrooke, Cruella has questions for Rumplestiltskin, but he in turn has a few stipulations for the Queens of Darkness, which they should not ignore unless they want to incur his wrath. Deals with Rumple's feelings about Belle after their separation.

  • Still Fighting

    Belle works to find information about the Author to help Will reunite with his True Love and hopes that maybe she can find a happy ending for herself and Rumple too. A companion piece to "Stipulations", but it's not necessary to have read that. Deals with Belle's feelings about Rumple after their separation.

  • Only You

    RumBelle one shot based on a script tease released for 4.9 "Fall" Rumple stays with Belle in the shop. Written before the episode aired, so very obviously AU. Spoilers for "Fall".

  • Desperate Soul

    A short little RumBelle scene set after what happened in the second "Family Business" sneak peak. Belle feels terrible about what she did. One shot. Spoilers.

  • Unlooked For

    repeatinglitanies prompted: With the Mayor out of town to search for her runaway son, the Severe Nurse uses the nameless mental patient to make extra money…by offering the mental patient's "services" to Mr Gold, who's currently in the hospital for his injured leg. RumBelle, cursed AU. Rated for mentions of physical and mental abuse, non-consensual sex, and prostitution.

  • The Easy Thing

    Based on the third sneak peek for 3.20 "Kansas". Belle reacts to what happened in the barn. Spoilers.

  • Dirty Dancing in the Moonlight

    After a little exhibitionism by Belle on the dance floor, Mr Gold decides it's time for a little of his own. Non-magic AU. RumBelle.

  • Strangers in the Night

    On the blind date from hell, Belle spots a mysterious suit-clad stranger across the restaurant. Perhaps the evening is looking up after all. Non-magic AU. RumBelle.

  • Even From Me

    Based on a snippet from the promo for "It's Not Easy Being Green". Belle goes with Emma and Tinkerbell to Zelena's farmhouse. Rumplestiltskin is not pleased to see her there. Angsty, but hopeful RumBelle.

  • We Go On

    Set post "Quiet Minds". After Zelena is defeated, Emma takes Henry to visit his father's grave and they find Rumplestiltskin and Belle there. They ponder what to do now.

  • Guardian Angel

    Post "Quiet Minds". The birth of a baby brings a visitor to greet it. RumBelle, Swanfire/Thief. A tribute to Baelfire/Neal Cassidy.