
  • The New Alfie

    Alfie, in an exchange program? What could go wrong, other then getting a worse prankster? So obviously, if it can go wrong, it will. Hunter Lively is a prankster girl who knows how to hack and can set up a prank in the blink of an eye. So, Hunter Jerome Hell for Anubis. JeromexOC slight FabianxOC

  • What We Shouldn't Feel

    There's a difference between right & wrong. A difference they both know. But here they are, drawn together like magnets. Damn their confused hormones.

  • In Which The Team Think Danny Needs A Little Push On Love

    The team gets called in for a mission, save Danny and Roni. Well... Roni and Danny want to make cookies. Yeah... lets see how that goes...

  • Done Picking Up Strays My Ass!

    So... hey. What if when Jack, Seth, Sara and/or Junkyard discovered someone working on the car still? Terrible summary, awesome story. R&R please!

  • Nightmares

    Another episode with a twist story! Again, I have an OC instead of Spider-Man with Danny on this one. This is the one where they're in dreamland, remember? The one where we find out that Sam/Nova is scared of bunnies, of all things? I really think how this one turned out, and I hope you do too.

  • My Story of Theodore Nott

    After the great battle of Hogwarts, Hermione is faced with a challenge. She has to marry Theodore Nott. What happens when she finds out a secret her parents have been keeping from her?

  • Taking One For Another

    When running from an unknown villain, even unknown to SHIELD, Ryanna 'Ryan' Walker finds herself saved by our favourite Zen superhero.

  • The Journey of Iron Fist with a Twist!

    hehe, rhyme! Anyways, basically this is the episode in season two where we learn that Dany's loaded, and is destined to be king blah blah blah, but this time, instead of Spider-Man, it's my oc, Shadow Walker/ Rydr Flynn. It's a girl this time... surprise at the end ;) Rated T because I'm paranoid.

  • The Thunderman Tragedy

    For the contest from The 0dd 0ne (Thundercest)