

  • The Return

    Helena comes home. Set after Episode 10 of Season 4. Operates on the pretense that the second half of Season 4, ah, didn't happen. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended.

  • Reunion

    Myka is in remission and Helena has been reinstated once more as an agent. A devastatingly powerful artifact ruins everyone's afternoon. Just another day at the warehouse.

  • The Ring

    Post-season 4, pre-season 5. Myka's off to the hospital for surgery once and for all, but first, she has one quick stop to make.

  • Repose

    A Bering and Wells one-shot. Post season 4, pre season 5. Myka has cancer, and HG is god knows where...

  • Kinship

    Myka is undergoing cancer treatment and needs a little love. Set after season 4 and, ah, ignores season 5.

  • Haze

    Myka is out of surgery and everything hurts. Set after season 4 and, ah, ignores season 5.

  • Bruises

    Myka is undergoing cancer treatment and needs a little love. Set after season 4 and, ah, ignores season 5.

  • Exit Strategy

    The Bering and Wells version of Clive and Juliana. So sorry, I simply couldn't resist. And of course, all publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners.

  • Caretaker

    Short-and-sweet friendship piece. Happens after "The Truth Hurts" and, ah, ignores Season 5. Myka's home from surgery, and still undergoing treatment.