Dudette Mal

  • Eternal

    On his first mission, Gareki gets bitten and it's up to Yogi to take care of him. Good thing is: Yogi knows exactly what to do, it's in his blood. Yoreki (Yogi x Gareki); m-preg

  • Wenn ein Lebensdieb nicht stiehlt

    Straßenkatze Gareki findet auf seinem Beutezug einen verlassenen Nesthocker und entscheidet sich, ihn mit in seine Scheune zu nehmen. Nur soll diese Scheune nicht mehr lange die seine bleiben. (Mit einer Spur Yoreki.)

  • The best things come in threes

    Dino inherits something and Kyoya takes the chance.

  • Nothing at all

    Dino persuades Kyoya to vistit a Christmas market with him. It doesn't go as planned. (Written for D18 day last year.)

  • Children's Games

    Gareki breaks his ID in a battle and Hirato and Akari find themselves with a pair of toddlers. (Mentions of past!Yoreki; puppy love!Yoreki; future!Hirakari)

  • Cross-walks and Crossed Hearts

    Idol AU. Gareki was only holding down his part time job when he meets Hirato who has an offer he is unable to refuse.

  • Binary star

    Collection of drabble like stories (sometimes One Shots) written for prompts. Various pairs and characters.

  • It's raining cats

    Ichinose Tokiya comes home and not everything is as it was when he left. But maybe this is even better.

  • Of weird Messages and Envelopes

    It all started on the 19th of May. With a simple text message. Birthday FanFiction for Gareki. Yoreki (established).