
  • To Be Human

    Sequel to Other Side of Omega. Life was hard enough running from Cerberus with her turian friend, but now the ex-Cerberus experiment Athena finds herself struggling with remaining human when the Reapers start arriving. Dreams and a fear of death bring Athena to the edge, and without Aria there to help her, she might submit to the synthetic side of her as the voices grow stronger.

  • After The Battle

    Happy Birthday AmityN7!: The Reapers have been defeated, a burst of red light destroying them all. In the aftermath, Jack finds herself wondering what's become of her lover Miranda, and sets out to find her in London, unknowing her fate but determined to find out. But amidst all the confusion of victory and and the dead, Jack finds that she can't do it on her own.

  • At Dawn's Light

    Sequel to Two Thieves and a Lioness. It's been half a year since what happened in Windhelm, and Yosa'Min is far from fine. A heist goes awry, and the Dragonborn finds herself thrown into a whole new adventure she would've never wanted a part of. Spurred on to adventure, her friends must try to save her before it's too late, even if it means working with those they cannot stand.

  • Take A Break

    Hawke decides to get a bit of a breather from the chaos of Kirkwall as she settles in her new status as Champion, and takes Isabela along with her. A nice relaxing time swimming in a Sundermount pool however, might take a bit more trouble to get there than either of them would think, but they plan on making the best of it nonetheless.

  • Too Drunk to Care

    One-shot. They were drunk; too drunk to care about who they were or what they did. Thief, hero, adventurer- it didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was how and what they could do to pleasure the other.

  • Nothing But Tension

    Shepard's throwing a party on the Citadel, and when Miranda decides to attend she can't help but wonder where she and Jack stand after their night together on the Normandy while fighting the collectors. Jack's feelings however, are as guarded as ever, and Miranda is getting frustrated to the point she starts using some rather out of the box methods to find out just what Jack wants.

  • Sailor's Repose

    After discovering the tragedy of a redguard family at Frostflow Lighthouse, Yosa'Min finds herself reflecting on her own loss and suffering, as well what it even means to live after you've lost everything and everybody you've known and cared for. And why you'd even try. Short prequel to Two Thieves and a Lioness

  • Hero Down

    When Janet gets abducted by the Serpent Society in a staged battle, Carol is bent on rescuing the woman she loves, but soon finds that the task isn't as easy as she'd wish. The Society is smarter this time, almost too smart, and the whole team and more will be needed to find their beloved size-changer before it's too late. But in New York City, there's plenty of places to hide.

  • This Was Supposed to Be Our First Date

    Finally getting a chance to have their first date, Wasp and Ms. Marvel planned on having a nice romantic evening. But life as a superhero doesn't always go as planned, and when Yellowjacket crashes the party, along with an unwelcome number of guests, the date is near ruins. But Carol Danvers isn't one to go down without a fight.

  • Cards

    After defeating Sovereign and Saren, the Normandy was sent out to hunt remaining geth in Council space. Along the way, Shepard, Liara, Ashley, Doctor Chakwas and Joker sit down for a bit of fun with a deck of cards and a learning asari for an innocent game of BS. Until everybody proves just how much of a liar they can be, especially once the alcohol has been pulled out.

  • We Could Die Tomorrow Anyways

    Miranda hasn't been sleeping well for a long while, and she just can't seem to figure out why until she's only a few hours away from going through the Omega 4 Relay, and finds herself in a less than expected position with a tattooed convict that's been on her mind for quite a while. Throwing sense to the wind, they decide to make what might be their last night one to remember.

  • Kill Each Other Later

    When the Normandy detects an anomaly on a remote planet Commander Shepard wants to investigate. It doesn't take her long though to wonder if she should have rethought her squad, a high ranking Cerberus operative and a psychopathic biotic with a murderous past aren't exactly easy partners. But when the mission turns into more, they'll have to learn to work as one now and kill later.

  • Movie Night

    With time off on their hands after the defeat of Galactus, the two resident female Avengers decide to sit down and watch some movies. And when the pair of best friends are left alone, they begin to talk, and it doesn't end as either one of them had expected it possibly could. While neither of them could have asked for anything else it doesn't take long for the others to notice.