
  • Dean and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Check-Up

    Dean has to get a check-up because he has a urinary tract infection. Sam is there. Warnings: Sam is relentless, two references to events in season 4 (can take place any season after that), and one very uncomfortable encounter of medical necessity.

  • He Has Only This

    Sometimes you don't think you're capable of love, but then you remember it's the only thing you've ever had- it just comes twisted and heavy. (Rated M for one instance of cussing and reference to grown up activities. Season 6 spoilers.)

  • Magical Wiles with a Spot of Trouble

    Sam meets a fairy. From there, things get wonky. Dean's just glad it's not him.

  • The Furnace and Above

    Sam atones for his mistakes by saving the world. The Cage is a place of nightmares, and it tears him apart. Dean is left behind, safe and broken. They both face battles, but even so, their only solace is in each other. This is how it happens. Warnings for the Cage (torture and stuff). Really, this deals with what happened between season 5-6, but the Cage is mentioned up to s7.

  • Zoinks, it's a Vortex!

    Sam and Dean get sucked into a vortex and then things happen. Things: dumbness and bantering and alternate universes! Don't think too hard. Spoilers and warnings will be before every chapter. Also, can anyone let me know if this should be considered a parody?

  • Hiya, Sammy

    Sam struggles after Dean is gone. These are his fights in the aftermath of one single, horrible event. Post-series/Case…ish fic. Spoilers up to end of season 9, not season 10 compliant.

  • Ignited

    Oh my god, she's all lit up. (That thing that happens in the first five minutes of Supernatural)

  • Stains of an Addict

    There are needs, and then there are /needs/. (no sex, not Wincest, focus is on cannon-related addictions)

  • The Temptress and the Accursed One

    A poetry-ified version of Cain and Abbadon's history.

  • Little Augustine

    He grew up normal. He always says that. He loves to say it- to explain how all this blood and gore, the beheadings and drinking, are parts of what he's made of himself. Because he's a self-made man and that's impressive. Few ever hear the start of it though. Most don't hear about sweet little Augustine Walker. (Violence and creepiness)

  • Yikes, Is that an Apocalypse?

    Lucifer has been let out of the Cage and the Apocalypse is on. Only, Sam's not the one who let him out. Sam's long gone and all of Heaven and Hell's plans are going haywire. The end of the world stops for no one though, and there are still heroes fixing to save us all. (Violence, swearing, AU for season 5, spoilers up to season 6) There's also some humor.

  • Vietnam and Monsters

    It's just another war. (Derogatory slang and horribleness because of Vietnam, swearing, violence, making things up with very little knowledge about Vietnam or war) Pre series: from Vietnam War to Mary dying.

  • Freakin' Winchester Luck

    Is it too soon for this? Yeah, probably. But oh well. Here's a somewhat humorous, but mostly just random what was I thinking, piece for 9x23. Hopefully you realize this, but, y'know, spoilers for 9x23. In which Sam gets drunk and has a weird dream that helps him work through some things.

  • Pair of Legs and a Chair

    Sam knows all about running away from his problems. It's never worked before and it certainly won't work now. But what about wheeling away from his problems? In which Sam grows passionate and realizes that hunting isn't the only thing worth living for and Dean is a big grump. (Rated T for language, Spoilers told by chapter) Warning: Wheelchairs. There will also be some drama fyi

  • Days Like These

    Sometimes the brothers realize how unusual they are. Not all of these revelations come from what their day jobs have made them become. Today is Mother's Day. (A few blatant references to events leading up to early season 7). All of the genres: Hurt/Comfort, Family, and Friendship.

  • Aching, Isolated, Vermin Winchesters

    It's love. In its own way, this is a story of family. It's twisted and angry and always there- brothers, sons, and father. Through the good, the bad, and the dangerous, they are Winchesters. (My take on the boys' relationship and the family dynamic) Warnings and spoilers alerts told in chapter. Also: weechesters!

  • Even Idiots Can Get It Right Sometimes

    Okay, so there's this case. People are dying (big surprise, right?). Now Sam and Dean are on the job, but this one's a bit of a stumper. There's bickering and victims dropping like flies and the boys get into some trouble. (some swearing, some violence, case fic) All of the genres: mystery, humor, and drama

  • Be the Dirt of Demons

    Ruby has been a witch, a tortured soul, and a demon. This chronicles that. (Warning: Spoilers up to Season 4, a fair amount of Hell, probably swears)

  • Death's Monologue

    In which Death's stream of consciousness involves humanity, the purpose of life, and food. (I'm sure his brain is constantly going, so imagine that this is just one tiny, TINY fragment of his mind). No spoilers, but a warning for mildly frequent references to death (or is it Death?).

  • I Brought You In, I'm Going Out with You Baby

    These chicks are sassy, tough, and spitting nails. They're also going to die within the next 24 hours, but hell, neither of them ever were ones for turning tail when the world's about to burn. (Spoilers for 5x10 Abandon All Hope)