
  • The Sam Whisperer

    Sam and Dean have a problem and they need Garth's help. (Warnings: Set vaguely in Season 8. Prior knowledge of Mr. Fizzle is helpful. Garth is the main POV.)

  • Indulgence of Power

    Sam is strong. Dean is not. (Sam's headspace, and thus spoilers, for Season 4. Deals with one primary aspect of the season. Two words: D-something, B-something.)

  • The Bro-sitters' Club (Ben Saves the Day… Sort Of)

    Dean has to take care of a baby, so he panics and turns to Ben for help. Turns out, the baby is the easiest one to deal with. (No spoilers besides Ben's existence) Warnings: not entirely realistic.

  • Where He Stands

    This is your future. Because, no matter how you look at it, things won't end happy. ALT SUMMARY: Dean is alone and all he's got is a crappy job and a crappier friend. Also, he apparently sours with age. (End of Series fic) Rated T for swears. Vague spoilers in the form of passing references to unspecified events.

  • Three Strikes towards an End

    The Winchester way is death and sacrifice. Sam's just doing what they always do. (Spoilers for Season 8: Focuses on what Sam thinks about the whole dying aspect of the Trials.)

  • Ugly Grief

    Dean keeps losing everyone. It's a cold, ugly process. (Spoilers up to the Season 2 finale)

  • Castiel Has a Question

    Castiel has been thinking about this for a long time, but he just can't seem to come to a reasonable conclusion. He turns to Sam in hopes of truth and revelation. No spoilers other than Castiel's existence. Warning: This is dumb.

  • About Sam

    This is just a cursory reflection of Sam's life. It by no means encompasses all the aspects of this fabulous man. No spoilers, any season.

  • Right Alongside Him

    Sam briefly thinks about Jess. (Geez, she's mentioned every season, poor Sammy boy.)