
  • Love in the Time of Trepidation

    Ancienverse Book Zero. It was the end of the world. They just didn't know it yet. Long before Ash Ketchum there was Akari, a girl with nightmares of a town in flames, and the untapped, dangerous wilderness of the region of Hisui. When her brother is left on death's door following a disastrous mission, Akari seeks answers…and the much darker purpose in the shadow of the gods.

  • Longing

    She hadn't expected to see him again. Not so soon. And those long dormant feelings rose up, giving way to the longing buried beneath.

  • Love in the Time of Temerity

    Ancienverse. Galar is changing. The plans set in motion have left Gloria empty, nothing but a pawn on the board for the malicious game played for the future. Yet in this is that promise for the League ahead, a place for dreams to be made real, one she wishes to stride for with her team at her side, all to answer that question: "What is a Champion?" The Galar Trilogy concludes here.

  • Love in the Time of Turmoil

    Ancienverse. Galar/Coda Trilogy. With the Motostoke Incident behind, and the Gym Challenge moving forward, Gloria continues her journey forward to be the best, under Ash's improved tutelage. But with the events setting the land in motion, and the machinations for the future ever closer to being fully wrought, it will be anything but peaceful, as disaster waits on the other side...

  • Searing, Soaring

    Oneshot. Romeo knew he shouldn't have made that deal with Mirajane, but he needed something to get that awful, horrifying image out of his head. Then again, a pretty blue-haired sky dragon slayer wasn't the worst way to go about it.

  • Warrior Watchers

    AU. Natsu Dragneel saw a dragon before his father disappeared, and he was thrown in a psychiatric facility as a result. Seven years passed before he and the other "Dragon Watchers" escaped. But getting involved with wizards, a girl named Lucy Heartfilia and a war against the shadowy Balam Alliance wasn't what he expected. Especially if it provided answers...or killed them.

  • The Bonds of War

    Oneshot. "Because fighting a battle is different than fighting a war." Saber Tooth reflects on their loss in the Grand Magic Games to find the real reason Fairy Tail defeated them so spectacularly.

  • Survivor's Guilt

    Oneshot. Lahar was dead. The Magic Council was dead. Doranbolt was not, and he'd be damned if he let another person die while he still lived.

  • To Find a Killer

    AU. Seven months after TO CATCH A KILLER. The biggest trial of the year, the repeal of the anti-fraternization rule, a series of bombings, and a rash of mysterious murders make for a volatile mix when a killer appears with a deadly game and the promise to kill again…starting with Edward Elric.

  • Musical Chairs

    AU. "Love is easy. It's relationships that screw it up." Wendy Marvell-Dragneel didn't have time to fall in love; her brother Natsu probably thought the same way. She also didn't expect her time in the Magnolia High Music Program, a cute black-haired boy, a smug guild and a music competition to change that but life doesn't always go the way you planned. Nalu. Rowen.

  • That Changed Summer

    July Seventh had changed them; all of them. But if you asked Lucy, Natsu's change disturbed her the most and she was desperate to find out out why. Nalu.

  • Love, Loyalty, and the Princess of Jade

    Oneshot. Fairy Tail princesses were supposed to be perfectly amazing, and they were certainly supposed to be loved unflinchingly by their knight. But Hisui was stuck in reality and she wasn't quite sure if she'd ever reach a fairy tale ending with a knight who happened to ogle other women. Himedios (HisuiXArcadios).

  • Burning, Falling

    Oneshot. The forest fire had started with but a single spark, but the grief raged inside him like an inferno.