
  • Crumpled Cards

    February 14th. Valentine's Day. It's a day for love, relationships, gifts, kisses, singles-awareness, and break-ups. And for two people, it's a day they'll always regret.

  • All For A Jewel

    It started out as a normal day for Prince Trent. Which meant composing songs about his girlfriend. Depressing ones though, since they had broken up a couple days ago. But out of the blue, some stupid burglar stole his most previous jewel! And so, the story begins...

  • Happy Birthday

    "You chance a glance at the calendar, already knowing the date yet still wanting to be certain. July 1st. Your birthday. You stare at for a long while, before turning away and sighing. It hurts, it hurts so so bad, to know that just like every other year before this, your birthday would be forgotten once again in favor of your brother's."

  • Dear Mom

    A collection of one-sentenced letters written by the TD cast thanking their moms.