
  • Forever Mine

    They always said we had a special relationship Artie. I'm yours and your mine right? You'll never leave me never Caution: Character Death and mentions of suicide read at your own risk!

  • Mysterious Future and a Garden

    No matter how much they fought with each other through everything they would always have each other and their garden until the very end.

  • Sweet Devil to Arch Angel!

    Arthur was so sick of it. So sick of Alfred leaving him over and over again. Well...time the younger demon get a taste of his own medicine.

  • I love you Arthur

    He always had a fascination with Arthur's wings and wanted to fly with him just once. Now he will forever. / First in I love you series/

  • I love you Git

    Sequel to I love you Arthur. He was gone. That irritating, loud, lovable git was gone... and its all my fault.