
  • Catch-22

    Yu knew the game was rigged. He didn't know the players yet but he knew. Now, he has a choice. To be an observer of a rigged game or do something that could effect the entire outcome. One thing for sure…he was no observer.

  • Don't Be Nervous (I Gotcha Ya)

    Newt is going to forget his best man's speech. Jacob is confident that he won't.

  • The Purple Alien Incident

    Peter One explains the blip to his brothers in arms. Given that they never actually finished the story…might tell you something.

  • Three Way Mirror

    It was like looking into a mirror. A three way mirror. Each at different points in his life. But right now...the pair is staring at him like puppies or pair of little brothers. It was pay back, isn't it? Spoiler for the latest Spiderman movie (At this point, is it really a spoiler?)

  • There Are A Lot of Pictures Involved

    Mirio may or may not have adopted Midoriya and Eri as his pseudo-siblings. His friends may or may not be highly amused.

  • Some Things Never Changed

    A few months later, Credo finds Adol hanging from damn rope trying to get some damn blue weed. He is no longer surprised.

  • Birds of a Feather

    Hawkeye drags Sam into the mess with Ultron because he needs someone around with some sort of sense. AU to Age of Ultron

  • I Run On Black Coffee and Spite (Maybe a little Ray of Sunshine)

    Shinsou wants get into the hero course more than anything. Luckily, he has a ray of sunshine on his side. Part of Midoriya Izuku in Class 1-B series.

  • That Trip to McDonalds

    Sequel to Solid. Theo and Lily sneak out to go to McDonalds. Well…Lily sneaks out and Theo follows to make sure that she didn't get into trouble.

  • Remember

    Sometimes, Alphonse just forgets.

  • Snack Break

    Theo talks. Jayden listens. There is popcorn. But Jayden has made up his mind. Part of the Break Verse

  • Path of None

    Cara is going to kill ry slow…or just enough to shut his mouth. Darken is trying to avoid that. He still needs the old man. Part of the Blood of Brother Verse…aka Richard and Darken were raised together.

  • The Study of the Day After Candy

    G had no idea why Kensi dragged him to the drugstore at 7 in the morning after Valentine's Day. Part of the Study of Verse

  • Fine Line

    Sam isn't too happy about G's apparent new death wish. Even he held a mirror to it, he knew that his words wouldn't do a damn thing. Tag to Deep Trouble part 2

  • Solid

    Casey don't quite get Lily and Theo's friendship But that is okay…they don't expect him too.

  • Like A Boomerang

    While Dean was fire and darkness, Sam was ice and blood. Cain had no idea what he was up against.

  • Scrabble

    Theo and Luan are playing Scrabble and every one else is smart enough to stay out of it.

  • And The Beat Goes On

    Chance just been through the weirdest day of his life (for now) but right now, he just wanted Jake to breathe. Tag to Mutation City

  • The Study of Life

    G didn't even know this agent. He doesn't quite understand why he was requested to speak at his funeral either…but hey, who was he to deny a dead man's wish? Part of the Study of Verse

  • The Reconstruction of Rome

    Sequel to Building Rome. He knows how the story ends Takes Place during Season 10 but flashbacks for Season 6-9.