

  • And She Dreams Through The Noise

    Because it takes a true heart to find beauty in the things that make one weep.

  • To See A World In A Grain Of Sand

    In which Loki remains in the dungeons for significantly longer, Jane provides interesting company, and they both discover solitude does strange things to a person's mind.

  • Restored

    "Jane stood alone in the night and shouted to the heavens at the top of her lungs, and the way the stars flickered when the sky swallowed his name was almost beautiful. It was funny, in an ironic sort of way, to think how she'd once waited for Thor as she now waited for Loki." Life is never simple, and sometimes love can be the hardest thing to recognize. A sequel to "Drowning."

  • Drowning

    "And trying to hold on to the memory of Thor even as the skin above her elbow burned with the light touch of Loki's fingers, Jane distantly wondered which was worse – dying of thirst or drowning beneath the waves." Life is a balance of holding on and letting go, and sometimes comfort can come from the most unlikely source.

  • How Do You Live Your Own Life?

    "The precedent had been set, but he'd do his best to make a name for himself if only to prove everyone wrong." How do you move past the shadow of a legend? A midquel to "When Do You Start Living?"

  • Red Room Lullabies

    Their hands are stained with the blood of many.

  • The Writing On The Wall

    Eating the apple Loki gave her seemed like a harmless act; at least, until Jane realized the consequences. Can a mortal come to terms with immortality as she lives through the ages? And is an eternity long enough for a god to escape what has been foretold within the pages of an ancient book? There's a fine line between mischievousness and fate.

  • On Each Other's Team

    Bucky remembers everything… well, almost everything. Natasha insists that the day he showed up on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s doorstep was the first time they'd been properly introduced, but he still can't shake the feeling that they've met somewhere before.

  • Complications in Cyberspace

    Jane despises any form of communication that includes a keyboard, a screen, or a battery. So why does she keep going back to the same chat room to talk to the same guy after a one-time dare from Darcy? All bets are off... because with a name like youweremadetoberuled, she's not sure what to expect.

  • Remarkably Unremarkable

    Outside the mission, Natalia Romanova is no one, but within the mission, she is whatever she needs to be. She's a blank slate, a bare canvas. Paint her and she's a work of art.

  • The One Good Thing

    "Four months, a broken mirror, and a set of bloody knuckles is what it took to break Hydra's hold on her mind. But Hydra's hooks are seventy years deep in the man and unwilling to let go." Natasha or the Widow. James or the Soldier. It's hard to know yourself when everything you are has been stolen. But who can understand brokenness better than someone who's been broken before?

  • Of The Feline Persuasion

    "It's like she's trained to annoy." "No, it's like she's a cat." Just how did Jane and Loki come about adopting their first cat? And how will the two of them adjust to owning a pet? A light-hearted companion piece to "Drowning" and "Restored."

  • Fallen

    "Loki would hear thunder and think of him; he would hear storms and remember." Where is the truth within the lies? A prequel to "Drowning" and "Restored."