

  • Desert Heat

    On a visit to Vulcan, Kirk and Spock set out to explore the mountains that were Spock's refuge as a child, only for Kirk to become ill from the heat. Gen.

  • Smile

    Something is wrong with Kirk. Gen.

  • The Spaces Between

    K/S. Weeks after the events of The Voyage Home, Spock is still piecing together his memories, unaware of the relationship that once existed between him and Kirk. Kirk, for his part, is determined to suffer in silence, but when a Spock from an alternate universe appears, still reeling from the loss of his own James Kirk, all their lives are thrown into chaos.

  • Fear Dispelled

    K/S established. Kirk is nervous about pon farr, but it turns out he doesn't need to be.

  • When Life Hands You Lemons

    Mirrorverse. When the Vulcan ambassador decides he wants her as his wife, Amanda is certain she can turn the situation to her advantage. Winona isn't as sure, but she's willing to try. (Winona/Amanda femslash.)

  • A Chance Encounter

    While visiting a museum in San Francisco with her son, Winona rescues a lost child and makes a new friend. Gen.

  • In Sickness and in Health

    K/S established. Spock has the flu, Kirk takes care of him.

  • Happy Not-Birthday

    Spock wants to give Kirk a present on his birthday, but there's a problem. Gen.

  • A Starship Captain Walks Into a Bar…

    Kirk runs into someone unexpected while waiting for Spock. K/S, with some Kirk/Jack flirting.

  • The Needs of the One

    McCoy is willing to accept that Spock's resurrection has led to some changes, it's Kirk's reaction to those changes that worries him. (AU where Spock comes back wrong after Genesis.)

  • In Dreams

    K/S. The ending of Requiem for Methuselah goes a little differently.

  • Why They Call It Falling

    When a group of Vulcans on a cultural exchange move in downstairs, Jim's friends bet him he can't seduce one of them. The last thing Jim expects is to fall in love, but Vulcan culture is strict, and he and Spock will have to battle many trials before they can reach their happy ending. K/S AU, based on the film Latter Days.

  • The Best Revenge

    After Spock's pon farr ceremony goes spectacularly awry, Uhura and T'Pring decide to go for a drink. Or maybe more than one. Uhura/T'Pring femslash, background K/S.

  • Love and Friendship

    Sc/U. When a crewmember's illness means that Christine cannot attend the dance performance they have tickets for, Uhura asks Scotty to accompany her instead.

  • Happy Anniversary

    K/S established. Kirk decides to propose to Spock on their anniversary, but has to cancel his plans when Spock becomes ill. Fortunately, it all works out in the end.

  • Not So Different

    K/S established. Post-The Undiscovered Country, Kirk and Spock watch some Klingon Hamlet and discuss the prospect of peace.

  • Don't Let Go

    K/S. With V'Ger gone, it turns out Spock isn't quite as fine as they hoped. Fortunately Kirk is there to help.

  • Sweet Surrender

    Kirk and Spock finally get together (with help from McCoy) and have lots of sex. A K/S parody.

  • World On Fire

    When history is altered so that James Kirk died on Tarsus, only Spock remembers the way things should be. With the Federation now at war with the Klingons, he must figure out what has happened and get his captain back before all hope is lost. Gen.

  • Common Ground

    An alien ambassador, tired of Spock and McCoy's constant arguing, lays down a decree; until they learn to get along with each other they will be unable to move more than ten paces apart. For McCoy it's his worst nightmare come to life, but when an emergency forces him and Spock to work together he learns his Vulcan nemesis might not be so bad after all. K/S, S&Mc friendship.