
  • I Want To Know What Love Is

    Mobius takes Loki to his quarters. What was supposed to be a quick stop for coffee turns into so much more.

  • Campfire Confessions

    Mobius soothes Loki through his night terrors and Sylvie finally finds out what her Nexus event was. Lokius pairing, Mobius/Sylvie friendship, and Loki/Sylvie regard each other as nothing but siblings. This, as usual, contains a lot of talking about Loki's issues; some might find the psycho-babble boring, but I can't really do it any other way.

  • Friday Night Dinner

    Just a missing scene from 6x02 - Homecoming. What were Kurt's thoughts at that dinner with Schue, Rachel, Sam and Blaine and what happened after?

  • Drunken Shenanigans

    What did Kurt and Blaine do with the booze April gave them as a wedding present? Well, they drank it, of course. Cue drunken sex in the janitors closet. This contains a bit of smut, be warned. But also a lot of fluff and some humour ;)