

  • inazuma! prom night

    They were the last two to notice how well they worked outside of the soccer field. Huge thanks to skarmory on ao3 for helping with writer's block, editing and for being very helpful overall! Written for the upcoming GouKidou day.

  • The Cook-Off

    When they were younger, Kai and Ren taught each other how to cook. Now that they're a little older, they've decided to cook together again, but this time it turns into a competition on who makes the best dish, with Tetsu as the judge. [Might end up being a multi-chapter thing, seeing as I have different stunts for them to pull in the kitchen]

  • Pepper

    While Disaster is in the middle of their weekly study session, Shido ends up being an embarrassment, even more than usual. Written from Gremlin's POV.

  • Gaillard's Judgement

    Sendou Aichi has awoken from his slumber on the throne and has something in store for Gaillard. Set in the current season of Legion Mate and based off a few imeejis of VoidAichi that have been surfacing lately since his status is unknown at the time of this writing.

  • What's a Tamale?

    Zexal AU where Shark sells Tamales from his vehicle. Inspired by something a friend posted on Twitter. Ever so slight hint of Dangershipping. Enjoy!