
  • Some Plans Are Stupid

    Each year in Gävle, Sweden, a giant straw Yule goat is put on display during Advent. In 2005, two vandals dressed as Santa Claus and the Gingerbread Man set fire to the goat with a flaming arrow. This is why drinking is now banned on HYDRA missions.

  • Blankets

    The Winter Soldier will never be cold again.

  • Let Them Eat Cake

    With the help of the Winter Soldier, Rumlow and Rollins celebrate Asexual Awareness Week. Rumlow/Rollins, rated for language and one very brief mention of torture.

  • The Better to Hug You With

    As he's stepping off the Metro, Steve catches a glimpse of waving tentacles in his peripheral vision. An octopus is wriggling onto the platform. He's entering the Triskelion when it happens again: a flash of tentacles in the corner of his eye, this time roping around a filing cabinet. Clearly Steve needs more sleep.

  • My Very Best Friend

    There are two types of friends: the kind who let you fall, and the kind who save your life. [Companion piece to "When I Awoke, Dear, I Was Mistaken" but can be read individually.]

  • When I Awoke, Dear, I Was Mistaken

    Agent Coulson wasn't the only one to watch Steve Rogers sleep. [Companion piece to "My Very Best Friend" but can be read individually.]

  • Under Your Skin

    "You will tell me," says the Soldier, "what you have done with Steve Rogers." /"Bucky." His voice is slow, searching. "It's me. It's Steve." /The words give the Soldier pause. But that's all they are, words, and words can be parroted by anyone.

  • Free As My Hair

    Five flimsy excuses HYDRA gave not to cut the Soldier's hair and one time they told the truth.

  • No Song Unsung, No Wine Untasted

    Steve had expected Bucky would have strong feelings toward the Russians who held him captive. He hadn't expected them to be feelings of camaraderie.

  • The Great Christmas Shopping Excursion of 1999

    Last minute holiday shopping is always hectic. Doubly so if the Winter Soldier is tagging along.

  • The Single Finest American Film

    Brock Rumlow has questionable taste in movies.

  • The Annual HYDRA Thanksgiving Potluck

    Something about the holidays brings out Pierce's Sadistic Grandpa side in full force. He has a perfectly good family to inflict seasonal cheer onto, but it seems that isn't enough.

  • You Only Want to Socialize (But I Don't Think We Should)

    The Winter Soldier dresses up for a HYDRA Halloween party.

  • And All The Good You've Done (Will Soon Be Swept Away)

    A collection of one shot stories about Brock Rumlow, following the prompts of Rumlow Week. Mild Rumlow/Rollins. Warnings for references to sexual assault.

  • Discern the Source

    Leaks are usually unintended and therefore undesired.

  • It Tastes Like You But Sweeter

    A properly chosen substitute is all but indistinguishable from the original.

  • Not That There's Anything Wrong with That

    Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier decides, would be supportive of Steve's relationship with Tony Stark. So the Soldier will be too. There's just one little problem: Steve and Tony aren't in a relationship.

  • Nice Is Different than Good

    Sometimes kindness only highlights suffering, as the Winter Soldier learns during a very nice day.

  • Let This Candle Guide You

    The Winter Soldier has a bad memory.

  • International House of Stockholm

    The only thing the Winter Soldier is sure of in the world is that the best pancakes have bosenberry syrup.