
  • Forgotten, but not dead

    Jason Todd was the favourite son. Jason Todd died, and the fact he's come back to life doesn't seem to fix it. Maybe Jason would have forgiven Bruce for not avenging him if Bruce stopped acting like he was still dead

  • How to be a Better Doctor

    By Dr. A.T. Lester.

  • Space Court

    Guilty! For not being in space!

  • Entire Team is Ladies

    Or, "Meet the Female Team" They're the mercs we all know, but there's only one difference. They're female.

  • Three days to live: Expiration Date, a retelling

    Expiration date was a great video. It was also very silly. I bet you've read this kind of fic before. See inside for details.

  • Organization Twenty

    Xemnas wants more members. He has no idea what he is getting into. OC parody, Rated T for death

  • I Don't Hate You Anymore

    Humans have love notes. Trolls have... these things. Bad grammar writing quirk involved, so don't read if you are obsessed with perfect grammar

  • Resurrection

    Really short one shot

  • Team Stories

    A mostly crackfic about the Team writing stories of each other. Expect genre switching and maybe some mood whiplash.