

  • Devil May Care

    On Halloween Night, 1981, Harry James Potter was taken from a basket on the front porch of the Dursley's home and brought to the only place that could ever truly be his home. 12 Grimmauld Place.

  • Political Sentiments

    Andromeda's privilege of silence on the topic of blood purity could no longer be excused and disguised as indifference. Indifference no longer applied when less and less muggle-born students returned to school because they or their families had been murdered simply for daring to exist in her world. Her silence was cowardice.

  • Of Moons and Flowers

    "At first, I thought I had killed it, none of the flowers bloomed. I moved it from indirect sunlight on my mantle to outside on my terrace. I experimented with amounts of water and appropriate temperatures. Then I stumble home from a mission late one night to find that my flower is not only beautiful, but that it only blooms at night. Funny that."

  • Thatcher Grace and the Roar of the Wampus

    Black Magic is a legend, a Native American wive's tale. MACUSA is adamant that Black Magic does not nor did it ever exist. Whispers within the walls of Ilvermorny sends Thatcher and his new friends on a dangerous adventure to find the truth before it's too late. Full Description in beginning of story.

  • Creatures of Habit

    Queen of Pentacles — the card pulled upright reads: Practicality, Creature Comforts, Financial Security. Reversed it reads: Self-Centredness, Jealousy, Smothering. As luck would have it, all three daughters of the Ancient and Noble House of Black embody two each.

  • Scrambled or Fried

    "I am capable of making my own breakfast." He frowned from the kitchen table. "And yet you haven't," she deadpanned, matching his tone. "So I ask again, how do you like your eggs?"

  • Freefall

    International Quidditch Star, Viktor Krum, has three distinct bumps in his nose. One he has had since birth, two he acquired from accidents on the quidditch pitch.

  • Seven Years

    At 27 years old, Harry Potter is burnt out.

  • Deficient

    "You need to pick a side."

  • Small Things Amuse Small Minds

    In the dead of winter Merope Gaunt suffocates in the heat of childbirth.

  • A Room of One's Own

    George Weasley doesn't feel like George Weasley unless she is alone.

  • 9 Crimes

    Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Wife

  • Superheroing for Dimwits

    "In this complete How-To Guide, you will learn the basics of superheroing, costume designing, training with your specific power, living with other super-powered teens and getting the girl - all while keeping up with your grades!" From critically acclaimed author, Wallace Rudolph West [story and book]

  • Soldatino

    close your eyes; I know what you see. the darkness is high, and you're in ten feet deep. but we've survived more terrible monsters than sleep. and you know I will be here to tell you to breathe. [Spitfire]