
  • A Charmed Short Stories

    Scenes from the lives of the Charmed Ones and their children. Part of a Charmed Future/Life/Generation series.

  • A Charmed Generation

    Fourteen years have passed since Anakin saved the world from the Magical Apocalypse. The Charmed Ones have retired from their Wiccan duties, and their children are grown up with their own lives. With magic no longer a secret the Halliwells face new challenges as new forces both magical and mortal work against them. Follow Zach and Matt Halliwell as they transverse this new reality.

  • Harry Potter and the Resistance

    The Battle for the freedom of the world is going horribly wrong. Join Harry and company as they try to save the world. Please continue to review and stay tuned for the sequeal.

  • Harry Potter and the Galatic Empire

    Harry and Wyatt saved the universe from the two greatest Dark Lords it had ever seen but they could not save it from themselves. Join a teenaged boy and his friends as they try to correct the wrongs of the past. Sequeal to Harry Potter and the Resistence