

  • Schenectady

    "Schenectady is the next stop, Watson." She didn't respond. "Fine," he pouted, and the train lurched, planting his pursed lips on her temple and rocking them both against the windows and rebounding into each other. Genre: Fake marriage

  • Lift Hill

    Perhaps she should have given the ramifications of her acceptance a little more thought. What happens after you throw a basketball at your new partner's face. Assumes knowledge of episodes 1x16-1x23 as general context. Included character not on list: Ms Hudson

  • 39 Stitches

    "No. No, that came later." When Joan met Liam.

  • Some Business of Her Own

    A treat written for Yuletide 2014; also posted @ AO3. Mary meets someone from one of Holmes' old cases and thinks about relationships past, present, and future. Reference to ACDoyle's "The Illustrious Client" which was published in 1924 (US)/1925 (England).

  • Swayed

    Episode tag for 2x22, "Paint it Black." When she pushed through the revolving door and stepped out onto the sidewalk, Sherlock was there. Instead of worry buried under scorn, she saw an echo of the haunted man who'd found Irene and blamed himself for what was done to her.

  • The Steep Part of the Wind

    Reichenbach redux: It's been a scant twenty minutes since the airport shuttle dropped him off, twenty hours since he was cleared to leave Switzerland, twenty days since they determined this was the path they'd take. ...He feels every second from the moment Watson walked alone into the park etched into his cells. And now he has to tell her mother.

  • Archaeology

    Sherlock disregarded boundaries as a matter of course — a matter of professional pride in fact — and yet as well as he knew the contents of her closet, he hadn't attempted to excavate her since the early weeks of their acquaintance. :: In which Joan ponders the cold case trunk & other unsolved mysteries. ::

  • Five Times Watson Wondered What She Was Doing

    "To thine own self, Watson." Five very loosely connected pieces written for trope bingo. (Previously posted at AO3 under slightly different title.)