The Animationaut

  • More than Meets the Eye

    Trapped on an unknown planet in a forgotten part of the universe, Peepers needs help getting home, and unfortunately, the only help he can find is Wander. However, something seems off about him. As they go along their journey to get C.P. home, he'll learn more the nomad and find that he sees Wander as more than just an enemy. "People are like coins, Peepers. No one is one-sided."

  • A Whole New World

    Dib has given up. He's given up on his family, school, and saving the world. However, before he can adjust to a new life of conformity, Bill Cipher whisks him away to Gravity Falls. Now he must take his role as the 11th chosen one, to defeat the darkness that comes as he makes new friends, falls in love, and realizes where he truly belongs in life. (DibxMabel) (DipperxBill)

  • Names I Wont Forget

    A darker take on the Simon and Betty story (I know it's not cannon) just an idea I had. Simon gets some great news, but that greatness wont last forever. (Sorry it's a bad summary, I didn't want to give anything away). K because I'm paranoid.