
  • Devil Wears Armani

    Clark has the one job that most people would kill to have, unfortunately Clark is the one person that doesn't want the job. Will he be able to survive or quit?

  • Building a New Family

    AU! Harry finds a new family in the most unexpected places. Will Harry accept the unexpected gift or will be pass for the thought of a family with someone else? And where does Draco Malfoy fit into this puzzle? And how about a fully alive Cedric and winner of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, who is training to be a medi-wizard? And what exactly is a Wifflepuff?

  • Courting Harry

    In a time where courting is still the norm along with cell phone, computers, texts and emails. Who will the Marquis Cedric Diggory court when he turns sixteen, and what is Harry doing being a servant at the Duke Diggory Estate? Will the Potters try to move up in status by trying to have one of their "twins" be courted by Cedric or will the Malfoys move in and sneak Cedric out from

  • A Secret Child

    Fate has played her hand with the Potters; beauty, money, power and above all else fame. What happens when Fate plays her hand again? Cedric Diggory had it all; beauty, money and of course popularity but why does he choose to not toss his name in for Courting Season in Wizarding UK? A secrest child changes the balance for both groups. It's just a mattter of who comes out on top.

  • Presentable

    A class project makes Clark realize that maybe he isn't as presentable enough to be seen with Lex, or is he?

  • Pain begets Love

    Lex finds out Clark's deepest darkest secret and turns his back on Clark and a prank at school leaves Clark no choice but to attempt to do the one thing that no one thought possible; sending him away from Smallville and away from Lex. Will Clark's pain finally make Lex realize that Clark is in the one thing in the world that is worth fighting for?

  • Webcam

    Who knew that a webcam could cause so much trouble or is it trouble?