Ayame Himura-chan

  • Let's Sing a Song!

    Hello everybody! I just thought about this idea when I was singing my favorite Christmas song, Last Christmas. So try to think of anything for my characters to sing and I'll type it! Please favorite this story. I have like, no story to be favorited.

  • The Worst Most Conflict

    Strangest anime combo ever. In this story, Shark is getting to know Ayeme's past and her better, but there's a lot more to it than what she knows. And this is an introduction of Ayeme's twin older brother. Why did Shark trusted her so easily? Find out in this story. T rated for safety.

  • Ticklish Shark!

    Hey! this is just a little tickle fan fiction here! Also I'm taking personal messages or any request for this little story so lets tickle Shark! the bully, the revenger, and the fierce... I know you wanna!

  • Preview! for The Worst Most Conflict!

    Little preview I wanted to do on the next story, enjoy!

  • My weird Saturday with a Shark

    First story! It's about an ordinary girl! She was watching her favorite show until her favorite character popped out into her room! Secrets will be told, including romance, hurt, comfort and a bit of drama. OC x Reginald. T rated to be safe.

  • Ayame, save Link! Twilight becomes Four!

    Link has been visited by Zelda, but is it his Zelda? Ayame's is now on a mission to save Link and bring him back to her world, but is this the opportunity to bring him back. So why can't she just bring him to his home, why keep him in her's? Rated T for blood, violence, drama, and Blue's Mouth.

  • The Hero of Twilight has Arrived! Link, come the Real World!

    After a week of Shark's crossover to his world to Ayame's, they decided to play a game with an addition of a new member in the group! Join Link and Shark learn more about Ayame and her life!

  • Until We Meet Again

    Ryoga Kamishiro was always lonely. He never really had friends, until a girl that was from America came to his orphanage. Will she be able to get him out of his shell that Yagumo was trying to do all these years?