
  • Illusion of love

    Sailor Moon Crystal Epsiode 3 AU Onehot- Rei is kidnapped by the heavenly king because of a dream of a long lost love. She hates being captured for what she considers to be a madman's illusion. But perhaps there are more to illusions than she realizes...

  • Daughter of the Forest of Fire

    Anesca is a foreigner in the lands of the desert following her master in search of a myth, but crossing paths with a ruthless and power hungry prince could change the future of the entire world. First chapter in Villain's pov.

  • Vampire Consort

    In a world where vampires have enslaved the human race, the vampires have everything except for an abundance of females. Male vampires have turned to human slave women in order to get children. The vampire king is expected to have a human consort. One of the candidates for his consort is Dawn, a girl who plans to escape when she has the chance, however she catches the king's eye

  • Forever Darkness

    After being underground with her father for the last five years, while they human race was being massacred, Yakumo knows her time is running up. But when she comes face to face with the dreaded Dark King, she expects to die, or does a worse fate await her. *Trigger WARNING*Rape And Abuse*

  • Songbird

    Two -shot Vampire Consort spin-off. This is the story of Persephone, Dragos mother. The Vampire consort who never wanted to be one. She is trapped by a Vampire king's twisted obsession and lust more than any woman could ever take. Will this songbird ever be free?

  • Drowning in the moon's reflection

    Fem!IchigoxAizen Dark AU. (Possible oneshot, may continue) Now that she is concubine to the man who stole the throne of heaven, Ichigo reflects on Aizen and what she and the world has become under it's new God and the man himself, who now owns her.

  • A world of night

    Birthday present for Lotornomiko. A prisoner on planet Doom, Allura thinks about her life and the future of the galaxy. Oneshot