

  • Found

    "Byakuran is watching the sun slide below the the horizon when Irie finds him." Byakuran lays a trail of clues for Irie, and Irie finds him waiting at the end.

  • Annual

    Scenes from Ukai and Takeda's relationship over the course of a year, starting just as Takeda turns thirty.

  • Assumptions

    "Gumshoe's spent days trying to work through the problem on his own, but it doesn't much matter how he looks at it; having a crush on Maya Fey seems to be something of a catastrophe regardless of how he turns the situation around." Gumshoe goes to Edgeworth for advice and there are some misunderstandings.

  • Living

    "Gokudera thought making it back after almost dying would be the hard part." Gokudera nearly dies, and Yamamoto doesn't take the thought of losing him well.

  • Dealing

    "Mihashi isn't the partner Abe would have chosen for the apocalypse." Reality does not match Abe's expectations for a zombie apocalypse, but he has always been adaptable.

  • Freckles

    "Gokudera is reading when Yamamoto first notices." Gokudera starts showing signs of sunshine and Yamamoto is thrilled.

  • Fantasy

    "Bokuto isn't usually prone to vertigo or motion sickness, but there is something particularly nauseating about the way his body stretches longer and heavier, the way he can feel his bones gaining mass while his wings shift and reform into the lanky arms of humanity instead." The worst part of shapechanging is coming back to humanity. Akaashi helps Bokuto not mind so much.

  • Friction

    "Imayoshi doesn't touch Hanamiya in public." Imayoshi keeps his hands to himself, except in very specific cases.

  • Voyeurism

    "Byakuran can recognize Irie anywhere, and the comfort of constancy settles into his thoughts and drags an attempt at a smile over his lips before he's remembered how to understand language." Irie helps with first aid during the Representative War and Byakuran listens to him talk.

  • Vocabulary

    "Gokudera lets himself collapse in over the table, drops his forehead to rest against his arms. 'Your accent is appalling.'" Gokudera tries to teach Yamamoto Italian. Yamamoto lacks natural talent but he manages to surprise Gokudera anyway.

  • Flight

    "Akaashi can see the explosion brewing in Bokuto." Bokuto is effusive and Akaashi is tolerant.

  • Consequences

    "'Just stay for a few days,' Phoenix pleads. 'You don't even have to get a hotel or anything, I have a couch you can stay on.'" Edgeworth stays on Phoenix's couch for a few days and there are some unintended consequences.

  • Defensive

    "Murasakibara is the problem, far more of a concern than the physical pain of the bruises themselves, and by the time Himuro rounds the corner and sees the other boy's hunched shoulders his heart is pounding with frightened adrenaline." Murasakibara doesn't take Himuro getting punched calmly.

  • Aftershocks

    "Hermann has to stumble away because the Drift is still too fresh and he can't tell the heat of Newton's body apart from his own anymore." The impact of the Drift hits Hermann, and he and Newt don't make it back to the laboratory.

  • Tutoring

    "Gokudera is beginning to regret his tutoring offer. It seemed like a good idea initially, for reasons he is now struggling to call up." Gokudera tries to tutor Yamamoto and utterly fails.

  • Sympathy

    "Shizuo had been having a peaceful night when his phone rings. He's furious even before he hits the button to pick up the call." Shizuo gets a call from Izaya for a very different reason than he expects and doesn't react as Izaya expects him to.

  • Roses

    "When Irie opens the door to his bedroom, there's nothing to see but roses." In an infinity of futures, there's one where Byakuran makes the logical decision.

  • Confession

    "Yamamoto's aching with more than just physical pain; there's guilt there, too, the things he thought about between his slow-motion heartbeats while he listened to Gokudera getting beaten behind him." Yamamoto says many good things that Reborn doesn't tell Gokudera, and Yamamoto does.

  • Accidental

    "Agon never calls Unsui by his name." Agon pushes too far and Unsui offers reassurance.

  • Enthusiasm

    "Yamamoto starts laughing as soon as Gokudera begins to sing." Yamamoto drags Gokudera out for karaoke and they are both terrible.