

  • The Other Side

    "Mikoto doesn't jerk awake. Maybe it's because the dream's not a bad one, or at least not in the jarring way his nightmares sometimes are." Mikoto wakes himself up from a dream and wakes Reisi too.

  • Careful

    "Without the immediate pressure of injury and adrenaline Mikado is more tongue-tied around Kida than he is with Anri." Kida and Mikado have a moment after the conclusion of the gang war.

  • Turn Off the Lights

    "Simon can taste the epiphany at the back of his tongue, the knowledge is his head shifting into place until he can almost see the periphery of what he wants, what he's been looking for and hunting with single-minded persistence for the last seven years." All Blackquill needs is a little more time.

  • Fireworks

    "Yamamoto can't stop staring at Gokudera's hand." Yamamoto is tempted into touching and Gokudera doesn't offer any protest. Part three of the Understanding series. Sequel to Intuition. Followed by Apologies.

  • Ghosts

    "The possibility that Klavier is in the audience doesn't even cross Apollo's mind until later." Apollo finds Klavier after the end of the Space Center trial and looks for the right words. Part 2 of the Apologies series. Sequel to Gratitude; followed by Forgetting.

  • Exposed

    "Akane is in the middle of a paragraph when the question comes; it takes him a moment to reel in from his train of thought and recollect himself to his own body." Clay asks an innocuous question and Akane is sincere.

  • Resistance

    "Ukai can't figure out why Takeda is standing outside the store right now, where Ukai can see him but can't hear him." Takeda is acting even weirder than usual and Ukai is restless because of it.

  • Curtains

    "Ishimaru is barely off the stage when the hand closes around his wrist." Ishimaru has impressive acting skills and Oowada is duly impressed. Play AU fix-it.

  • Caring

    "When Yamamoto walked away with Lambo and I-pin in tow, he was ready to take care of himself, distract himself from the ache of loneliness with the focus babysitting requires, and he really didn't think he'd have company." Gokudera makes excuses and Yamamoto sees through them. Part seven of the Understanding series. Sequel to Eventual; followed by Similarities.

  • Appreciation

    "When the door opens, creaking to let a sliver of light into the dark, Gokudera barely glances at the newcomer before he's rolling away, turning his face towards the wall and his back to the door." Gokudera isn't in the mood for conversation, and Yamamoto stays quiet. Part five of the Understanding series. Sequel to Apologies; followed by Eventual.

  • Respect

    "'You could always call me senpai.'" Stein teases Spirit and Spirit rises to the bait.

  • Borrowing

    "Dark eyes drop from his face to his shoulders, Rogue's forehead creases in confused disapproval, and the curve of his mouth draws into the beginning of a frown." Sting borrows Rogue's shirt and Rogue doesn't protest as much as he ought.

  • Patience

    "The hallway is dark in comparison with the room inside, entirely abandoned as far as Freed can see; everyone else is inside, dancing, laughing, drinking, amusing themselves as their tastes lead them. Freed would be, too, if he hadn't already spoiled his own evening by misstepping." Freed stresses himself. Laxus inadvertently offers comfort. Set during the party after the GMG.

  • Danger

    "Of course, Stein tends to forget that he's subject to mortality as well. Spirit never does, though." Stein forgets that he's mortal and Spirit remembers.

  • Casual

    "'You don't have to stay awake.' Waya's watching Isumi's face as he speaks, grinning at the way the other boy startles into consciousness from his drowsy slump against the edge of the bed." Isumi doesn't get enough sleep and Waya offers the easy solution.

  • Loss

    "The smile is bad enough, the lopsided curve of the mouth Reisi can remember the taste of, but the warmth of it is bleeding up into Mikoto's eyes, turning his expression relaxed and calm with the loss of tension Reisi didn't even realize was there." Mikoto is grateful and Reisi is cold.

  • Braids

    "'Silly thing to use your Nen for when you've got an extra pair of ordinary hands.'" Knuckle braids Shoot's hair for him. Part 1 of Assistance series. Followed by Pause.

  • Nerves

    "It's not until the very end of the ceremony that Abe's plans fall apart." Abe expects Mihashi to lose his cool, but things don't turn out as he anticipates. Part 2 and final of Unexpected series. Sequel to Plan.

  • Worthy

    Gatchaman Crowds, JouxSugane. "Sugane is the only thing Jou has left to be proud of and the only person who still believes in him with the blind devotion of real love." Jou thinks he knows what he deserves. Sugane disagrees.

  • Insomnia

    "By the time hour thirty has come and gone, Leorio thinks Kurapika might actually be helping to soothe his nerves." Interlude set during Episode 11. Part 2 of Interludes series. Sequel to Rest; followed by Disguise.