A Rose By Any Other Name

  • Worthy Adversaries

    COMPLETE! LJ lovehate preOOTP, edited and reposted with a recurring magical cabin, invisible bottles and dreams, forays into psychology, and a rather large dragon.

  • In the Blood

    COMPLETE. HGSS. Hermione's searching for a cure to one of the wizarding world's most deadly afflictions. But so is Severus Snape. The results are unexpected... to say the least

  • From Letters to Azkaban

    COMPLETE. A project brings two people an unexpected friendship which leads to even less expected adventures, and an emerging romance in the most unlikely of settings.

  • Worthy Friends

    COMPLETE! This is the diary of Lily's and James's friends in Worthy Adversaries, and is a bit of a spoiler, so don't read this unless you're up to the first detention in my other story!

  • A Different Story

    COMPLETE. Lily's parents are killed, and she goes to Hogwarts in a disguise that few can see through. Four years later, when she shows her true self, things begin to happen. LJ, not lovehate.