Nova Stardust

  • Things Changed

    Chap 23 AU as of HBP integrating OotP partially Harry & co go through some changes, for better or for worse...only time can tell...

  • Do the MOB exist, You can bet your asses they do

    AU - Magic doesn't exist. Harry and co. are secret agents. Sirius has a niece. DE's are a gang and more goodness. I suck at summaries. Oh well read plz.

  • Westweld Year 1: Beginning of a Destiny

    4 children enroll in their first year of Westweld Academy for Magic and Sorcery, not mut action but this is just the first year P R&R

  • MoldyVoldys Educational Education for DE's

    This is a joined work of Arizosa and me, it's mostly a fun thing to relieve the tension by laughing...Deatheaters dancing?...Voldy in a dress?...A pink bunny?...want to know more?...read on R&R