
  • The Trade

    Offered the chance to save Motherboard, Inez sacrifice herself to Hacker. Matt was furious, Jackie was heartbroken, and Hacker was triumphant. The Trade changed everything, and no one was prepared for the consequences of one ill-fated decision. WARNING: This story gets pretty dark and at times disturbing. But, it will (maybe) have a happy ending!

  • Hermione's Sexual Revolution

    Hermione had always loved learning, but who knew what that learning could lead to. Discussions of sex but nothing graphic I promise.

  • Hermione and the Sexual Revolution

    Hermione had always been an inquisitive girl who loved to share knowledge. Who know how much of a mess a bit of knowledge could lead to! This isn't a raunchy story, but there are discussions of sex.

  • Selfish

    Trapped and scared, a proposal is made and sins are committed. But who has to know?