
  • Call You Home

    Koro-Sensei is dead, and the class is a little at a loss. There are tears and there are screams. Nagisa did the deed, but he knows without his class he wouldn't have succeeded. When they all arrive home they receive gifts from their Sensei. While his classmates receive textbooks of advice and a personal letter from their late Sensei, Nagisa's gift is but a single phone number.

  • We have a proposition for you

    Mochida, as we know is a part of the Vongola TYL! But how did he get there? What possibly led Tsuna's once bully to become a trusted member of the family? When did Mochida change, or did he change at all? Mochida finally meets his boss, but things don't turn out like you'd necessarily expect. SkyGem prompt.

  • The War Before and the Warrior After

    Ever since they came to a truce four hundred years ago, humans and youkai have coexisted with each other more or less peacefully. But despite how much the governments liked to brag about how far society had come since then, it was painfully obvious just how much the humans still looked down upon and ostracized the youkai. And because of this, Tsunayoshi Sawada...full sum inside

  • Separation and Growth

    Tsuna knows what's best for himself and his family, it's something that he's been growing into over the years. So when he turns eighteen he knows he and his guardians must leave Japan for Italy, to grow and become the Family they want to become; not what is being forced upon them. But doing so leaves behind the young that they all raised and made big impressions on. Multi-shot.

  • So Much to Live For

    Death mused, that they had never had such a young master before. MoD!Harry, AU.

  • Champion before the Challenge

    Long before the Deathly Hallows were gathered, Death had chosen his champion. Ironically, out of boredom, and with every intention of taking his life one day. A game of sorts, a joke for a Human child who managed to 'slip' through death's grip over and over.

  • The Difference Between

    What if Xanxus wasn't the reason for his brothers' deaths and the cradle affair wasn't exactly what it seemed. What if, instead, it was Iemitsu with all the power, over Nono and Vongola. What if Xanxus was trying to save his father and his famiglia? What if he started the coup to protect Vongola from the son of the man who was destroying it? AU. Varia!Centric. Rated for language.

  • Vongola Catacombs

    Angels guard the doors, dying will flames burning eternally in their hands, because even in death, the will of the Boss forever burns bright. When a Vongola boss dies, he is put into the catacombs, and every loyal subordinate to fall has a place to rest there, forever lining the hallways of their dead boss final resting place; protecting them even in death. This is where Bosses go.

  • Not Just Another Icarus

    The wind adored him. Since he was a child the wind had run her fingers through his hair, and had taught him the way of her roads. Throughout his life he had stepped into the sky with her, but always falling just short of the clouds. Now though, with Reborn in his life and fire in his hands, Tsuna finally found his wings. No pairing. Inspired by 'Wind Running'

  • Sonnet: A Mafia Wife's Survival Guide

    The mafia had many ways of spreading their information, one of those ways was through books. Not Mafia books but regular, publicly available, books and novels. You might not think that your romance novel, or detective thriller means much to more than its fans. However, if you have the knowledge and the training you can see there is much to learn from them. Full sum inside.

  • How Far We've Come

    Birthday fic for SkyGem. Koro-sensei always planned for the worst case senario, so he called in a favour and ensured that Class E would always have a protector, even when he was gone. Enter Tsuna and the Decimo generation. A drabble series of all their adventures and how they came to meet. 1-5: From hurt to laughter.

  • Tuo è il regno Tua la protenza e la Gloria nei secoli

    Tsuna had a dream once, of a long day and deep conversations with Giotto. He finally realizes why The Second, and all his descendants couldn't follow in Giotto's footsteps, and when it is time for Giotto and Tsuna to part at the end of this 'dream', Giotto leaves Tsuna with words that will help push Tsuna onward during rough times.One-Shot, based on picture.

  • Ocean Tides

    It was sometimes easy, and it sometimes wasn't. But for Makoto and Haru there was one constant through thick think sickness, health, arguments and emotions; each other. Drabbles series. Open for promots

  • Vongola's Real Sin

    Vongola was once great, it is still great but in a darker and more extreme way, but it was once the name of protection and glory and love and family. And Giotto could only cuss now because it was not anymore. He watched the sin pass from one boss to another...It was only when he met the burning resolve of Tsuna that Giotto realised where Vongola's real sin lay. Full sum inside.

  • Hell to Pay

    Spin-off/Continuation of Afterlife and Unlikely Benevolence: Guardian's perspective. Arriving in a garden full of light and warmth, the Guardians thought that they had dreamt about dying and the judgement thereafter, but then their eyes looked up and they realised quickly that their peace was an exchange. Full sum inside. Char death-ish. Can be read alone I think.

  • Family Castle

    There was something very beautiful about young families. Like when you saw young mothers and fathers in the park with their children, or when you watched the adoration bright in newlyweds eyes. Colonello and Lal were one such young family, after a tragedy hits Vongola they have a new addition to their family. Parental!CoLal, Child!Tsuna, Character deaths. Alternate 'parallel'.