

  • Perspective

    A spin-off companion short story / a flashfic through the eyes of Julia. [Drabble-format]

  • Genderbent

    He'd finally died. And joy, instead of being sent to the afterlife, Harry was sent to an alternate reality. With another Harry Potter around. Except it wasn't Harry Potter — apparently it was Harriet Potter — and every other gender-bent magical folk from 'his' world. …Why do the Fates hate him so? Harry-centric. GEN. Time/Dimension Travel. HIATUS

  • Like a Penny (Waiting for Change)

    When tragedy hits the Maple family, May is forced to grow up, grow strong, and take back what's precious to her through a path she thought was lost long ago… Anime!Trainer!May; partial game adaptation/novelization. No romance or shippings (yet?) HIATUS

  • Shade

    "I don't exist, and I don't care to, anyway." The first time, Harry's sure it's just coincidence. The second time, Harry's sure it — he — isn't. And in the times that follow, Harry still doesn't quite realize how befriending his mysterious guardian is going to reshape the world and beyond. Time/Dimension Travel. GEN.