Tintern Abbey

  • All That Remains

    Lily Potter is the Witch Who Lived, survivor of the Killing Curse, but her fame is bittersweet when she's plagued by thoughts of the man who saved her life: Severus Snape. [Snape/Lily, discontinued]

  • The Beginning of an End

    Scorpius is the quietest, most unusual boy Albus has ever met, but the two first-years have more in common than they think. Can Albus become friends with the son of his father's enemy, or will family resemblance get in the way?

  • The Candy Man Can

    "Why would I want a chocolate frog at a time like this?" James grumbled. "In case you haven't noticed, my pride has just been stomped on and shred into a million pieces."

  • I Killed Sirius Black

    "I always knew Sirius was a bad seed. Even when he was small I just KNEW he would grow up to be no good." Bellatrix reflects upon Sirius after his death.

  • Inglorious

    Obsession is the elixir that poured life through these sorry veins, but obsession is only obsession. Obsession is not love.

  • Trust Me As You Please

    Jack Kelly wasn't always a liar.

  • The Very Secret Diary of Delia of Eldorne

    In which Delia is affected by a sexy duke, a redheaded midget, and a certain brocade dressing gown. Takes place during ITHOTG.

  • A Pirate's Life For Me

    Blink used to play pirate when he was a kid, before his eye got ruined. Talk about irony, right?

  • The Enemy

    Destroying Alanna is a lot harder than Alex anticipated. [Alex/Alanna]

  • Pardon My French

    [reposted] The only thing worse than cheating on your fiancee is cheating on your fiancee with her part-veela sister-in-law. Harry/Fleur.