

  • Marauders Discovered

    See title... The Weasley Twins, discover who the marauders are ONESHOT No slash

  • When Time Collides

    Morse sat at his desk and travelled to the future... to Lewis and Hathaway.. a case ensues with our favourite 3. Inexplicable time travel because it was needed... Hiatus due to A levels

  • The Horrors

    Dumbledore decides that the third years need some experience in the muggle world, so he sends them to live for a month at their fellow muggle-born students houses, what happens when Harry takes some of his friends and enemies to Privet Drive... WARNING abuse... first fanfic, don't hate... just review, constructive criticism needed... AU Book 3 (Sirius still in prison)

  • Daily Prophet Discovers

    What happens if the Daily Prophet discovers what happened during those years on Privet Drive? Open ended one-shot...