
  • For the First Time in Forever

    Juliette Scrubb had listened to her cousins' stories about Narnia, but she'd never taken them seriously. Until she was transported there through a painting, nearly drowning, before being saved by a devastatingly handsome King who had an unnerving ability to make her forget how to breathe. She wasn't expecting that. She also didn't expect to fall in love with him. CaspianOC.

  • Things With Teeth

    Stubborn, nosily inquisitive, journalist-to-be Ana prides herself on being able to sniff out a secret a mile away. So of course as soon as she spots dark, broodingly mysterious, sex-on-legs Derek Hale, her radar starts dinging like crazy. She quickly becomes the bane of his existence with her incessant determination to learn all his secrets. DerekOC.

  • Whisperings of My Heart

    Lyla Ashgrove moved in with her cousin, George, and his two flat mates; the dark and handsome Mitchell and the bubbly, quirky Annie. She only wanted to make sure George was okay, and avoid falling for Mitchell. Instead, she was slowly pulled into a world she never knew existed; one where vampires, werewolves and ghosts were real. MitchellOC.

  • The Very Real and Complicated Dream of Gwen Wright

    Gwen Wright was going to applaud her imagination when she dreamt herself right into Middle Earth, with an elf-ed name and everything. But then she finds she can't wake up and is stuck in a world she knows nothing about, in the body of a woman she doesn't know, falling in love with a reckless dwarf whose soul calls to her in a very real way. KiliOC.

  • Forgive My Sins

    UNDERGOING EDITS. "A lion lusting after a wolf…Pathetic. If my father knew, he would be ashamed to call me son." Sybel Stark is the effervescent, kind-hearted daughter who knows where her duty and loyalties lay. But those loyalties are tested with the arrival of Jaime Lannister. He's just a man in dire need of forgiveness, but perhaps she is the one to give it to him? JaimeOC.

  • The Art of Pretending (Or Not)

    Dove McCullough was the young bestselling author lacking inspiration for her next novel. Then she found herself being propositioned by the burly Charlie Weasley to pretend to be his girlfriend for the week, to get his family off his back, and she figured – there it was. Inspiration. Their arrangement was strictly professional – he was hardly her type. CharlieOC.

  • Evermore, Evermore

    Okay, let's get one thing straight. You know those times in romance novels, where the girl and guy hate each other, and then the guy kisses the girl because he's loved her all along, and the girl realizes she loves him too? Yeah? This was not one of those moments. Between a feisty, over-achieving and slightly neurotic girl and the poster-boy for perfection. CedricOC.

  • Wildfire Heart

    "Don't waste your breath on useless flattery, Lord Stark. I have no mind to titter or blush to it." Genavyn Baratheon was the fiery, tempestuous princess stuck in an unwanted betrothal. Simple. Then things became complicated as she slowly fell for the Northernman, with his sense of honour and justice, and she finds that perhaps, she was fighting her heart all along. RobbOC.

  • The Diary of Theresa Crawley: The Nature of Passion

    Theresa Crawley, the youngest daughter of the Earl of Grantham, did not expect the arrival of an aristocratic stranger to affect her. He was damaged. Haunted. And so very intriguing, the way he left her questioning just about everything she thought she knew. But then, she knew nothing of the nature of passion. She was determined to figure out just what he was. OC/OC. Follows series

  • Entwined With You

    Mara Reynolds didn't believe in fairytales. She was taught to be tougher than that. What began as revenge for her mother's death became more when she uncovered a twisted plot of destruction and enslavement. And Mara was drawn into it, and to a man who could possibly be her fabled 'Happily Ever After', if she would just let it happen. LoganOC.