Daiyu Amaya

  • Angel Shrine

    She had always thought she'd meet a guy that would sweep her off her feet. She just never thought it would be someone she thought she hated and admired rolled into one.

  • Flare

    Zim stared at the screen. This was it then, the final nail in his coffin. The Control brains had done it, he was no longer an Irken Invader. He was just trash to them now, no not even trash. They would never speak of him again, it would be as if he hadn't even existed at all...

  • Repair

    He knew there was no way to repair what he had done in the past, but he did know that getting both of them together would be the right thing to do and they knew that they were going to be there for him no matter what he said. Dedicated to Lupinica friggasdoiter who asked me for this story! Rating just in case lol

  • Bone and Skin

    What if Alice had disappeared after her date with Jervis? And it wasn't Jervis' fault?

  • Batman Challange

    A collection of sad, happy, fun, strange, romantic, random stories based all around batman and his villans

  • Last Days of Summer

    Harry Potter finds solace in Church, only he's not the only person from Hogwarts to find this holy place a refuge from the outside world.

  • Simplicity

    It was a normal mission for them honestly, but when an aerosol is released into the air, the avengers go home feeling different or sick-but how dose it affect Steve? Every thing is less than simple, but maybe it was time for things to come out. M/M

  • Upsurge

    His touch was an addiction, He had no idea just how far he could fall into that addiction...nor how possessive said addiction would be. Sequel to Tidal Wave

  • Repellence

    Scarecrow couldn't take the thoughts that penetrated his mind, he couldn't forget or forgive what Riddler had done to Jonathan. Now it was time for some pay back. This is a sequel to Captivated

  • Tidal Wave

    He looked out at the cold waves and thought things that didn't really matter all that much, until company decided to join him, he couldn't really say no. But, why wouldn't he say goodbye?

  • Captivated

    He couldn't let go of the dark thoughts, what would it feel like? The blood sliding down his throat, the agony in the others eyes? Edward wanted to know why he was so captivated by his captive.

  • Silent Shore

    The scarecrow was on the run, he was quickly loosing blood and he wasn't certain he would make it out of the ally way without bleeding to death, until he met someone who wasn't scared of him, thus started his trip to the other shore, the shore of sanity.

  • Eye of the wolf

    Severus Snape realized the symptoms of Remus Lupin, what he didn't expect was to be tricked into going into the tunnel or being attacked by a werewolf...Or Children assassins years later

  • Blood and Mind

    He wasn't sure if she was real, but if she was, then she made his problems seem like no big deal. Crossover: Perception/\ John Rain

  • Sugar, Spice, and Everything Not Nice

    Batman, the crusader for justice, protecting the weak and punishing those who prey on the weak- well he's about to get a wake up call, some come in sheep's clothing and this wolf's got cute little blond pig-tails, and enough bite to go after him. Crossover with John Rain

  • Caught Out

    An Avenger walks in on Bruce Banner doing something very naughty. Another crossover with John Rain

  • Believer in Black

    Maria, blond, cute, bubbly, child assassin,and a believer in Pitch Black! Crossover: Rise of the Guardians /\ John Rain

  • The Wrong Girl

    Butter melting on her bagel, she was far more interested on her attempts to get coffee. So of course when Tony walks into the kitchen she doesn't notice, Bruce is just amused. Another one of my Avengers (Age Of Ultron hints)/John Rain crossovers!

  • Recalescence

    Clint and Bruce on mission, only they get a visitor in their safe house

  • Using Halogen

    Avengers/John Rain Cross over! Cap was just trying to walk into Avengers tower, but well he can never have a normal day now can he?