

  • Fortitude

    Link and Zelda venture into the forest, but the princess is compelled to believe that she wields ancient magic. Because of her overconfidence, the consequence leads she and the hero into violent trouble. [One-shot!]

  • Tainted

    A new drug known as "Twinrova," as well as many other drugs, have been unleashed among Hyrule. Link and Zelda must travel into the filthy streets of West Castle Town in order to uncover the provider and prevent the widespread of this illegal activity. [Rated M for intense violence.]

  • Possession

    Link is corrupted by a dark force, and it's up to Saria to keep him from entering her village. Unfortunately, that means she, the Forest Sage, has to fight him, the great Hero of Time. Rated T for violence. [One-shot.]

  • Prince of Hyrule

    Zelda grew up in the desert of the Gerudo, but only now is she setting foot into the outside world under the orders of her king, Ganondorf. It is the warrior's purpose to retrieve Link, the Prince of Hyrule, and bring him back to her master. Unfortunately, she will face many obstacles along the way.